Hi Steve - just checking in. I haven't seen a posting from you in awhile.
"here 4 a moment"
Hiya friends....just turned on but only a short time b4 I have to travel again.(my son needs me to help him at work). In the time I have let me apologise to all those who I have not been able to respond to, particularly our new friends here. I only have time for dear Sue(bsrules) right now, so bare with me guys. Sue!!!!!My…
Hanging on by a thread!
I'm still here. I am hanging on by a thread but I am here. My nerves are maxed out. I managed to get a couple of hours sleep this afternoon. My brother-in-law showed up this morning. I didn't want to look at him as not to upset him.When he looked at the house he knew something was wrong. I told him how I have been feeling.…
My mother..
My Mother has been fighting cancer for 5 years now. I am so fortunate to have had all of this time with her, I do realize this, however, this past week we were all told that her Oncologist feels that "the process" has begun and that she may have a minimum of 30 days. We were assisted in contacting hospice however mom…
Trying to Respond...
I just signed onto this site today and have been reading these topics and responses. I can't believe the love and concern that I see here. I want to respond to some of these topics, however, I don't know how. (I'm not seeing the icons that the pop up expains.)Please know that until I figure this out I will truly be praying…
Hello everyone - My mom (originally diagnosed in January 2003 with Stage 3) developed a fever of 100.5 last night and also had chills. Is this a worrisome symptom? Should we bring her to the emergency? Vanessa
Hello all - My mom (originaly diagnosed with Stage 3 in January 2003) developed a fever last night of 100.5 degrees. It has since gone away. Is this a worrisome sign? Vanessa
What are you??
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her.She did not know she was going to make it and wanted to give up.. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, another arose. Her mother took her into the kitchen. She filled three pots of…
What chemo does not address
Hello all you wonderful semi-colons! There seems to be a bit of disease going on around here lately. Chemos not working, tumors coming back, spreading.....etc. My heart sinks everytime I pop on a thread and read the news. I pray for you all daily. I really truly do. And I believe in the power of prayer. I really do.…
Lost,Angry, No where to run! Help Me Please!!
Hello Guys!! Well, it is me here again. I am here to vent and cry and quit. I wasn't going to post as I am so tired of feeling so ****. I know that you guys said to keep posting no matter what but you guys have got to be tired of hearing my troubles as they are so minor compared to what all of you are going through. I wish…
Feeling Lost
If anyone remembers my story I was dx with colon ca 8/2002 at the age of 28. Started the oxcal. protocol and had a good report 9/2004. Discontinued chemo and was not feeling well in Jan. 2005 went for CT scan and tumors were now back on my liver and lungs again. Than come to find out it had also spread to my ovaries which…
So get this...
Hi all. I had my first follow up visit with oncologist yesterday (3.5 months after surgery). Back in December during my pre surgery CT they found a small 5 mm "thing" in my liver they could not characterize, partly because I have a large hemangioma in the same area. So after surgery they planned for me to have a repeat CT…
Meet w/ my surgeon today...
And we decided that I will officially become a member of the semi colon club on May 24th. I was dx w/ stage IV crc w/liver mets on Dec 17th, 04. Since then I have had 8 rounds of the folfox regimen and I'm happy to report that I am responding very well to these drugs. The liver mets can no longer be seen on CT or PETCT…
????? after effects of radiation
Hi to all: Could this be an after effect of radiation? I now get up several times a night to urinate.(at least 2). I have trouble sometimes falling back asleep. I can no longer sleep on my belly due to my colostomy. That's my favorite positon. I have tried it's just not comfortable anymore. OR., could it be from instant…
firefighter with rectal cancer
Re: Firefighter just found out t-3 rectal Message: I just wanted to update everyone on john's recovery. I am his wife cheryl and I found this site for him when he was first told of his cancer. he had surgery on april 13th. they did a resection through a incision from his breast bone to pelvis bone. It was cancer and he…
goin' awol again
Evening all. I will be offline for a while. Hope to be back next tuesday(your time). Will tell you then why I am awol. I just had my liver scans so am a bit jumpy at the moment. Hoping to have the results when I return. Any chance of a word or two to the man on high??? Luv to you all dear friends...stay safe n be well,…
Cat Scan results:-(
Had my cat scan on tuesday after 2 rounds of the folfiri. Lesions (I have about 5 of them) look "a little bigger". Oncologist wants to review the scan with his favorite radiologist to determine if they have actually grown, but I'm likely to be changing chemo protocols to oxaliplatin. I'm a bit bummed to say the least.…
Dad was Stage III now Stage IV
Since the chemo has spread he will probably have to do chemo again, will it be the same chemo as he had for the colon or will it be different, will he loose his hair? He forgot to ask the doctor the question at his appointment. I hope not but if that's what it takes then no biggy. God, I really do hope he comes out of this…
It was supposed to say Erbitux and Camptosar - have you had this?
See previous message.
erbitux and camptosar - have you had this?
I'm starting a new treatment on Friday, which will be Erbitux and Camptosar. I'm really scared because I don't know what to expect. I was having a different treatment (Avastin and Folfox), but I became resistant to it. Is there anyone who can tell me about their experience with Erbitux and camptosar? Please respond, I'm so…
what's a little lung met!
Shandle & taraHK, and any other lung met semi-colons, I am so sorry you have to deal with this... such bad timing, although it is never good. I simply want to wish you both all the best of luck with treatment/surgery. I had my lung met resected last May; and I am doing great. My surgeon did a muscle sparing thoractomy and…
Grandma 047
wondering if anyone has heard from her and how her new chemo regimen is working?
Ah yes, it's that time again... Time to think HAPPY thoughts... Time to think about MEETING each other... Time to think about a vacation... TIME TO HEAD TO VEGAS!!!!!!!! Unless you've just landed on this planet yesterday, you should be WELL aware of the following: WHAT: SEMI-ANNUAL SEMI-COLON REUNION (affectionately…
Lung Mets Metastectomy
Hi All, I got unhappy news yesterday that the nodes in my lungs are tumors that have spread from my original site fo rectal cancer. The news was confimrmed via a CT guided biopsy (no fun!) The Interventional Radiologist recommended I look into metastectomy as the nodes (though numerous - 10) are all located on the…
to Shandle and TaraHK
Sorry I am not always around gals...and the timeline don't help!!! For you both; "Close your eyes a moment and visualise Kanga's rainbow. Follow the wonderfull colours to the end where you will find the love that we all share...not gold...LOVE!!!" We are here for you both, huggs, kanga n Jen
I just read your recent post babe. Sorry I bin awol again but just a note to wish you all tha best. Jen n I both hoping that the lung tumour can be successfully treated. After 2 years of good reports we are sad to hear that this ct has given you bad news.....but...hang in there sweetie. Keeping you in our thoughts and…
baring it all??or bearing it all?
Awwwww---totally without words here! Sorry guys n gals..bin awol again--yu know the routine, liver tests, stress, worry ad-nauseum--blah!,blagh!!! Also had a meeting with Jen's boss yday about her work. Most of you know the distress we face at this time. Jen has been in tears the last coupla days so "bare" with us. As for…
Not good news - My dad's scan results
With tears in my eyes, I am writing to tell you that my dad's scan results came back with two spots on his liver (I still can't seem to believe this is true) He was stage 3 with 11 out of 10 lymph nodes involded. I had so much hope that he would be OK and that everything would come back clear like the last scan. My dad…
Well here we go again
I need to vent so where do I always go... Here. Hubby has been going thru chemo since Oct 21, 2003 and here we keep right on. I am frustrated and he is devistated. He is on the 5FU cocktail (what ever you call it) with avastin and oxli... and the cancer only dropped from 3.3 to a 3.1cm in the liver and we now find that…
Queasy Pops
I've seen a couple posts about nausea and remembered hearing about Preggie Pops - made with ginger- when a friend was pregnant with twins and very nauseated. At the time, there were a lot of testimonials on the site about how they helped with nausea from cancer treatment. I tucked it in the back of my head in case I was…