Have a question... very concerned...
Felt bad last week and my reg. doctor wasn't available so I saw a partner. He said i needed a liver scan or ultra sound done. Didn't give a reason but I did have hepatitis back in the mid 70's. So he said we should have a look at the condition of the liver. Well i did liver scan on Wed. and this afternoon Thur. I got a…
Negative thoughts are creeping in...
Well, my mom had her first round of whole brain radiation today to treat her brain mets, and honestly it sucked the life right out of her. I prepared myself for the side effects, so I knew she was going to be fatigued and lethargic, but not this quickly. I tried browsing the internet to see if any good comes from a brain…
Hello Ladies, I am new here
Hello, To all you beautiful ladies. I am new my name is Kathy and I am so glad that I found this place and you all. I just found out I have breast cancer on Sept 28,2011. I am scared,sad,and don't really understand it all yet.I found a lump that is in the left breast Dr sent me for a ultrasound came back highly suspicious…
Dense Breast Bill Veto in Calif - Lets get on Jerry Brown's case!
Hey ladies! I'm so upset about this veto. OUr legislature passed the bill which would require that women be informed of dense breast and that mammogram may not show malignant growths. I never thought this would happen or I would have put pressure on Jerry Brown. From what I understand he bowed to the Calif. Medical Assoc.…
A local paper is going pink.They are remembering those who passed and those dx.I was amazed reading how many years some have survived.My mom was a 60 year survivor and I am proud of that.I had her for many years.I'm wishing for 30 years for myself. As I read the list there were ladies who lived 72 years,62 years and many…
Implant Surgery Coming Up
I'm finally getting the implant surgery done in a few weeks. I was reading the Mentor literature with all of the warnings of things that can potentially go wrong. I'm getting a little worried about it now. All the info on capsular contracture, potential rupturing and other issues sound scary. Has anyone out there had…
Forks down
Ct results are in and were fine. Showed some irritation in my lungs from radiation. As my mo said my lungs are "pissed off" about the rads. That explains the shortness of breath. Anyway stress eating can cease, put the forks down for another 6 months. Thanks for all of the care and concern Jennifer
OT completely unrelated fundraiser
http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/crystalkanaber/crystalkanabersfundraisingpage?utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=share&utm_source=at-facebook&utm_content=mainpage#.TpaBy7QfYJY.facebook Ok, I know everyone has alot on their plate so feel free to ignore this post. This cause is a big part of my daughters family life. Her…
OT: Got a few of my co-workers up off their lazy behinds!
You’ve all supported me in my commitment to exercise and healthy eating since completing treatment, and have listened to me whine about my co-workers, whose only forms of exercise are driving through the McDonald’s drive-thru and lifting froufy coffee drinks the size of their heads up to their mouths. I finally decided to…
Finished Chemo Last Week How long before side effects go away?
I had my last treatment last Wednesday and wondered if anyone can tell me how long side effects stay - I of course have hair loss, loss of taste and tearing eyes. Thanks for any information - Judy
Excessive Facial Hair After Chemo
Hi: This is my first posting. I completed my chemo treatments on June 1. I am so thankful that my hair is growing back. I have more facial hair on my face (and the back of the neck). Has this been a problem for anyone else? If so, have you had any hair removal treatments? Thanks.
Female wigs for chemo treatment
Do you have any suggestions where to find wigs for a female chemo patient battling breast cancer?
Today is Mollyz's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is lovely and filled with lots of fun! -Jenny
19 year reunion - I haven't got the words
Hello Ladies, I missed you and have lots of catching up to do. I will read through you posts as I find time. I just got back from germany, Freddy traveled with me, and we visited all of my brothers and sisters. They had NO clue whatsover, that I was coming to visit after 19 years! Only my brother's girl friend was let in…
Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day - October 13th
In case you didn't know. Those of us who are stage IV are aware.
Heel Pain - Anyone else?
I have been having heel pain for over a year now and curious if anyone else has had a similar issue. I started Femara last year and experienced joint pain, so I was switched to Arimidex. Shortly after starting Arimidex, I started experiencing severe foot pain mostly in my arch and heel. I tried various heel, cushions,…
fatigue from Tamoxifen?
Hi all: I am about three weeks out from finishing radiation and started on Tamoxifen, also about three weeks ago. Suddenly within the past few days I am feeling so much fatigue. I just don;t want to get up and do anything and feel like I am dragging my body around. I feel so fat and puffy, it's almost like a PMS, except I…
Finally a decent CT
I had a CT last Friday, I have bone mets, lungs, liver mets too. My last CT was in July and I remember the tech being really weird. Same girl did it this time and she was bubbly and asked what I had been doing. I told her chemo and a little rads. ANYWAY....results in....my cancer is either gone or drastically improved.…
Kind of nervous
Flying to California tomorrow morning, alone. It is a short flight, but I have not done anything alone other than grocery shopping or going to a doctor appointment in a year! Amazing how I have gone into my own little world, and now it is hard to get back out. My sister-in-law will pick me up at the airport, then we will…
More fun with cancer....NOT!!
As many of you know I had the re-excision surgery last month. Two weeks ago, the surgeon removed every other stitch. Two days ago, I finally had the last of the stitches removed. As the nurse was cleaning the area, the skin 'plopped' open and a bunch of icky fluid ran out. Yep, kinda gross. Because it was draining, the…
Hello everyone
I'm still reading but not able to post much. My stomach pain was not gall bladder but disease related. The chemo is rougher than last time at first dx in 09. I got through that much easier. I'm still worried about the future with the liver mets. Thanks for posting about me. I spend alot of time in bed, mostly dizzy and…
Today is jennN's Birthday!
Sending Happy Birthday wishes your way - hope your day is filled with everything and everyone you love most! -Jenny
Miracles do happen
Hi girls! So sorry it has taken me so long to post an update. Life has been crazy busy and as much as my mother nags me to slow down, I am always go go go! Not long after my last post, my oncologists attended the world conference and talked with the experts at the cancer institute at Harvard (who I saw last October) about…
chemo questions
Hi all, I have IDC Stage II w/ lymphnode involvement(one). Have been advised to have 4 cycles Taxotere & Cytoxan followed by radiation and hormone therapy. I am still considering it. Can anyone who has had those particular drugs tell me #1- Will I need help? I am 48 years old with young children still at home. I have…
Further to my UPDATE...
The Dalai Lama on Humanity... The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he…
UPDATE..6.5 Months Post Chemo, 2 Months Post RADS, and...OMG!
Hello everyone. I haven't posted for some time. We've been going through too much. More than any one family should have to. I had a complete physical with my family doctor two weeks ago. She ordered a thorough, comprehensive blood workup test. My WBC is on the bottom end of normal with my Lymphocyte count at 0.7. My BP is…
Anyone got sick after chemo...like getting a cold or flu? What to do?!
Hi sisters -- I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I was wondering if any of you took medication for it while on tamoxifen. My white blood count is low and I'm just worried about not treating my cold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)
Last Week & This Week & Next Week
Last Week: Monday - Initial consultation appointment with radiation therapy oncologist (same as first time, love her!). Plan: 28 treatments, w/5 "boosters" at end = 33 total. Our discussion minimized - though didn't completely eliminate - my concerns & apprehension. It was the best she could do. Friday - Measurements,…
Aromatase Inhibitors and Joint Pain
Look what I just found: "Joint pain from taking an aromatase inhibitor can be troubling. But a 2008 British study suggests that women who experienced joint pain while taking hormonal therapy medicine were less likely to have the breast cancer come back (recur). Knowing that this side effect might indicate a reduced risk of…
Need help remembering
those who are no longer physically here with us - but always with us in spirit - by name. This weekend I'll be doing an Inipi (Sweat Lodge) and then the Retreat and I want to be sure I have everyone by 'name' with me during this time though I know all will be there - it's for me that I want to remember each 'name'. The…