I feel like the luckiest person
O Boy. My daughter-in-law works at the hospital where all my work is done. She was there, along with her mother who also works at the hospital, thru my surgery. DIL saw to it that I had the best anesthesiologist and pre/post op nurses. Also, she works in the department where the ports are done so I really had someone to…
Angry about two different measurements
Had my second opinion yesterday and somehow the invasive part of my DCIS originally measured at 0.7mm, was found to be 4mm at the second hospital. Mad because I was considered T1mic (most likely no further treatment)and now I am T1a. I thought a ruler was a ruler, no matter how small. So basically I am looking at almost 6…
after surgery day two
It's 5:00 in the morning and I'm in in bed I can't sleep so I thought I would go online and check my email. I am overwhelmed with your kind words of encouragement. Please know that your good thoughts and prayers helped me get through a really difficult day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I had my surgery on…
Infection after Expander placement surgery
I just had my expanders removed because of a nasty infection. The PS says I will need to heal for "awhile" until we can try again. Anyone else have this happen? And if so, how long before you tried again? Was it successful the second time around?
I hate hormones
Ok just got through my second funk. Like PMS x1000. hated everything and everyone. husband ticked me off and I was (legitimatly soooo mad) but after 26 years it was like that Mad? come on. so I was tired and took a nap and woke up fine. Just like that! after a week. I am on tamoxifen and went into chemopause. All this…
lump under arm
I have developed a new lump under my arm, not very big but sore. I see my oncologist next week for more blood work since the last didnt come out good. But i see my onc gyn tomorrow because of another post op. Should i mention this to either of them? Whats a glogged sweet gland or ingrown hair feel like? I dont know what to…
This is what i know
Had my bone scan today, the saw the same spot that they saw in the mri, that is all that I know at this point regarding the bone scan. however the ca 125 came back normal. I saw my new oncono today and he did other blood tests all cancer marker tests. also found out why they are sending me for a brest mri, other then the…
when will the stomach tightness ease up after TRAM procedure?
Hello all - I had a mastectomy and tram two weeks ago (two cancer free weeks - yay). I'm healing pretty well. No more drains. My big problem is the tightness in my abdomen - I still feel like I am somewhat hunched over. Anybody out there have any experience with when this will ease up? My new boob also feels much more full…
Dancing with NED
I can finally say it I an dancing with NED after 11 months of treatment. Momo and ultra sound were almost pain less. Thanks for all your help. Cancer sucks! Good Luck to everyone of you.
Acronym Soup
OK... I figured out NEDS. What's the chance of compiling a guide of these things to help some of us that are less savvy?
Cytoxin and Taxotere - first treatment
Hi - just had my first chemo treatment last Thursday and I guess I wasn't really prepared. I was diagnosed late March, IDC, lumpectomy, no margin or node involvement. Did a week of Brachytherapy with no real side effects. I was a 28 on the OncD test, so oncologist decided I should do 4 treatments of chemo, with a shot of…
Bra's - starting to miss them
I had the DIEP on May 5th I am completely healed up. Do you know how long your suposed to wait before you start wearing regular bra's? I am missing my pretty Victoria Secret Bra's :( , They all have underwires and I am wondering how long I am supposed to wait before I can leave this Ugly soft bra thing they gave me???
Special from my sister to share with all
Sister Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be…
Heather, we all thought your surgery was today but I just saw a post you made and said your surgery is tomorrow. So, all the best to you as I was thinking about you today. Hugs, Char
Why is Holland so green?
Because, first thing in the morning, the sun is up and shining...birds singing, etc... Then, about noon, it gets rather humid. Still blue skies, but for the Dutch, they know what's coming... About 5 or 6pm, the sky is completely cloudy. An hour later, it rains. Not JUST rain, tho...POURING rain, SHEETS of it, with wind,…
Today is my one year cancerversary!!!!
It has been a very long year for me but I made it. Hugs to all and thanks for your support. Donna
Tightness after rads?
Its been 2 months since rads was over. This past week I've been feeling a tight stiffness under my armpit when I stretch my arm up, also in breast by scar area. I'm sure it's probably nothing to worry about, but I do. Also a burning sensation, sometimes a jabbing pain underarm. Very strange and hard to explain. Any one…
2nd opinion today
Well, it has been three weeks since my mastectomy. Healing well physically, emotionally and mentally has been more difficult. Been to countless appointments with surgeon, gyno, and oncologist. Diagnosed with extensive DCIS with a .7mm single focus invasion. First oncologist said that it is not the national standard of…
Renee the wonderful
Hi Everyone, I wanted to take a quick minute and let you know that Renee did drive me to my mastectomy. She was wonderful company even came in and waited with me. So a big THANK YOU to Renee. You guys would have been proud of me. I was so very calm and just knew in my gut that I was doing the right thing. My surgery went…
Different hormone results - initial pathology vs. Oncotype Dx
My initial pathology on my breast tumor biopsy was Estrogen positive, Progesterone negative, HER-2 negative. I subsequently had an oncotype DX test and the ER, PR and HER2 scores were repeated. The report clearly says that "these results may differ from ER, PR, or HER2 results reported using other methods or reported by…
Over 65
I'm just wondering how many of you are over 65 - like myself.
Nipples: One Yes, One Not-So-Yes...yet
Hi All, Can I whine? OK, one nipple is looking fabulous. It's healed, happy and as it should be. And then there's the other gal-Lefty. Lefty still has a yucky scab on it and is STILL bleeding if it gets bumped every so slightly. I took a close look at Lefty this morning and I'm afraid she's just not connecting to the skin…
Anyone had success with just using diet and maintaining PH Balance with no surgery and raidation for
I was just diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ a few weeks back after my lumpectomy came back cancer. I did not have clear margins so there is some left in my breast. Also, possible DCIS in my other breast. At this point the cancer is not invasive. I am looking at all possible avenues. I wanted to see if there was…
Just found out I need chemo
Good evening,all! I just got the call from my surgeon with the path report from my lumpectomy on Friday. The tumor was 1.5 cm and the lymph nodes are clear. They found a second tumor (1mm) in the "clean tissue" around the tumor. I knew going in that the tumor was HER2 pos (as well as estrogen and progesterin), so I knew I…
Today, the DJ on my favorite radio station played a request for a 'forgotten 45' - The Shape of Things To Come by Max Frost & the Troopers. If you remember this song, we are very close in age. It was from the movie 'Wild in the Streets' with Christopher Jones (a cutie). Released in (ugh!) 1968. I was 14 & a half. Good…
biopsy of lumpectomy
After the lump is removed by surgery, does the pathologist test for everything that was tested in the original biopsy? Her2? Estrogen and Progesterone? Stage? Grade? Are these results used to determine therapy?
List your Top symptoms with TAXOL infusions
Can those of you that had Taxol infusion by itself, list for me the top symptoms that you have experienced during treatments. Also what was your first infusion like, any reactions if so what were they? I have my steroids to take the day before, the day of i will get more steroids plus Benydral in my port before they start…
Surviving BC is now helping family
Grateful that my experience is now helping other family members. A month ago my husbands only sister was dx with Pancreatic cancer stage 4, she is only 41. She lives in Chicago, we live in Florida. My husband is now giving his mom really good advise as the caregiver on what needs to be done when it comes to doctor appts,…
Using EMLA /generic cream before Mammogram?
My 1st mammogram (had single rad. mod. mast in Oct '09) since surgery will be Aug. 9 before my appts with chem, rads and PA. When I talked with Radiology place today (to confirm date/time), I was told that it might be an 'idea' to use my 'cream' in the port area and 'down' a ways on that side for comfort. Makes sense to me…
Increased Risk of Heart Disease
As an infant I was radiated in 1946 for an enlarged thymus gland in the mistaken belief that this would prevent SIDS. The amount of radiation I absorbed was equal to ten common CT studies today. This treatment was commonly used in major hospitals and even pediatricians’ offices across the country. Thousands of infants and…