Now it's getting nasty
He has finally realised that I AM leaving him, I'm NOT coming back and he can't change my mind by promising me the earth. So he's turning ugly. Anyway... I may not be able to get on the internet for a while, until I get myself sorted out. I may go my friends house for a few days if I don't get the key to the new apartment…
Time to Celebrate
I'm new to this site and I wish I knew about it when I started going thru treatment. I found my lump in the left breast and was diagnosed in Sept 08. I had chemo first then a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction followed by a lot of physical therapy then finally radiation treatments. I just recently finished…
To perhaps relieve some ambivalence...
Last Wednesday, July 29th, marked SIX YEARS since my original diagnosis. I will always remember this past year as the one during which I found this site, joined this amazing group, and gained so many new friends. All for which I'm very grateful. Thanks for allowing me share this with all of you. Kind regards, Susan
All my smokeless winners
Ok Girls it is Monday and everyone should on the bandwagon as of today. So its roll call time. tjhay is and going well the rest of you?
Date, Time, Phone Numbers for TOMORROW'S Conference Call!!!
Here are the numbers needed to call in for the conference call with Greta tomorrow! It is open to any of us here who wish to participate, so call in if you can! Tomorrow, AUGUST 4, 2009 @ 9 AM, EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TOLL FREE # 1-866-502-8312 The PASSCODE to enter the conference is: 697088# Toll # 1-719-387-5595 "Hear you…
Rad relief
For those of you going through radiation ... I've run across a couple of things that might help out with the burning/itching discomfort. The BEST thing I've found that works for the burning and itching is straight aloe. You can get it at the drug store ... and be sure it the clear gel kind ... not with lotion, or scents,…
Punker Doo results
Well, decided I needed cleaned up a bit. Asked for a Punker look. Yikes!! Not too sure this is me!! At least the gray is gone. Rock on RAD B's, rock on!! (:-) Pammy
My head's maiden voyage...
Well...this weekend i decided...no more hats. Bailey, my wig, has long been on her stand. It's just too hot to wear her right now, felt like wearing a ski hat in summer. But this weekend, decided, to heck with it. Even tho i look like a combination between a poorly watered chia pet and an alian, ta da!!!! a little dab of…
Taxol/Herceptin Question
Has Taxol and/or Herceptin made anyone's skin thin (for lack of a better term)? It takes virtually nothing to cause bleeding; mild scratches bleed, nose bleeds. Is this the Taxol? I've only got one more to go (12 total treatments), then continue on with the Herceptin for a year, plus Arimedix (sp) for 5 years. Is it likely…
tomorrow is it :{
Ok guys. Im such a nervous wreck and crying and having panic attacks and everything else. Tomorrow is my day i start chemo. I am just so afraid. Why? I thought i would be stronger because up until now ive had a pretty positive attitude. And my post a week ago, you guys helped me feel better, so why is all the negative…
Am I crazy for not wanting to take Femara? Help!
I would love to hear from anyone about the drug Femara. I had a bilateral mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction 7 weeks ago. My oncologist wants me to take Femara but I'm not so sure because of the side effects. My tumor was .7 so it was very small and I had areas of calcification cocerns in the other. I feel like I…
Survivor Celebration -- any ideas?
Hey guys, long time, no post! I'm so glad to see that the discussion board is active! I need some creative input, please. I am serving on a committee for our local hospital, helping to plan a big Survivor Day celebration. I know some of you have these events in your communities. Would you mind telling me what works/what…
Making Love (well, almost)
Errr...It's been months you see. Not since the diagnosis. Being two woman in this relationship, we are far more concerned with emotions etc than the physical. Also we've been togeter forever, so the need for sex is not as overwhelming as the need for each other's support, love, laughter, tears. Don't know if I'm saying…
~~~ How is MOOPY doing? UPDATE please! ~~~
Hi Moopy! I haven't seen you post anything on how you are doing lately with your rads and everything, and, just wanted to know. So, how are you doing? Details please! I think all of your company is gone now, so, it is just back to Joe and the dogs. Oh well, it could be worse, I guess. lol Well, post when you can and update…
Tasha from Donna
Hi Tasha, I tried to pm you and can't get through for some reason. Probably because I'm technically challenged. I didn't know what else to do so I just put it out there. Thank you for answering me. The feeling that I had was a gut feeling and I'm glad I was wrong. Everything I wrote was the truth. It takes so much strength…
I am so sorry ....but I feel so depressed tonight. I just realized that I am truly alone with my fight!I get no support from work at all. I feel very isolated! Tho, I am upbeat about my prognosis and all, I have no partner or anything. I feel as if I was punished for something in my past. My failure at marriages or…
Has Anybody Had Cytoxan - Methotrexate - 5FU (CMF) Chemo?
Hi. Searching for others who've had/are having this chemo regimen. Thanks. Deb
For Love Not Money
Isn't it funny that the greatest g i f t s on earth cost nothing. Money does not last. but love lives on forever. My daughter runs every weekend in Denver Colorado, she runs for me and us, she trains and works out hard, volunteers for every relay, marathon, runs, helps put signs on their backs, whatever she can do. She…
Struggling today thank you
Its been such a long day and I really am overtired. I think I have done ok with eating and drinking but the fatigue makes me so down in the dumps. Thanks for all the support, advice and good wishes. It really helps to know that the taxol and herceptin regimen is easier to deal with. It will help me get thru one more cycle…
Claudia, I am thinking of you----how are you doing?
Hi Claudia, I have been thinking of you and hoping you are holding up ok these past couple of days. I know how terrifying the waiting can be, but you are a strong person and I know you can make it through no matter what happens. In my heart I feel that you will be ok and your symptoms will turn out to be benign. I know…
Struggling today
Hi all 3rd treatment of a/c was Friday and today is my down day. Every bite, every popsicle, every spoon of jello is a struggle. I am managing to get some food down and some fluids and I have napped some but the day is sooooooooooooo long. Just needed to vent. 1 more of these and its on to taxol/herceptin. I sure hope its…
I attended a loving memorial celebration last night....and you were with me
I went to a very touching memorial celebration for a friend yesterday~ he was a special, caring, generous soul, who also happened to be Native American. As my main circle of friends here in California is also Native, I contine to learn and be emotionally moved by the simple, yet poignant ways of these people, and their…
So scared, alone and need to RELAX....HELP
Hello everyone. I need help as I am feeling scared and alone. I have supportive family and friends but why do I feel so isolated? Why can everyone else move about their day with smiles and I am sitting here full of anxiety anticipating the first chemo and herceptin treatment on 08/12/09. I NEED TO RELAX BUT CAN'T FIND THE…
Is there anyone else who's blood work shows that they can NOT take Tamoxifen????????
I am having the hardest time finding reliable information on Zoladex also called Goserelin...I will have to have these injections for 5 years along with Femara, because my body won't metabolize Tamox.... has anyone else had these injections?????????????????????? I know I'm strange... (I guess only 6-7% of people can't…
Info for new memebers.. Disability January 1, 2009
Just as an FYI, January 1, 2009 congress passed a new section on the disabilities act. Cancer has been classified as a disability (including breast cancer) and therefore your employer must make reasonable accomodations for you. I am pasting a the following link... It has a lot of information on this topic. Even if your…
Hi, My dad's ex-lover (Nena) has been battling breat cancer for over 4 years. She now lives in the Bronx, NY and she is in bad shape. She now has tumors in her lungs and they say there is nothing they can do for her. She has threee daughters (the oldest is my 1/2 sister). They do not speak english. My mom keeps updating me…
Got to go to daughters game on Saturday
I woke up!!!
I did wake up and it seemed like a few minutes had gone by..I was in ICU from Wed-Fri. then moved to a regular room Friday evening.. I got home yesterday but went straight to bed... I didn't sleep at all in the hospitial and my level of anxiety was way out there~~~ I was convinced I was dying.. I came out with 23 things…
Blood Clotting Disorder worries for surgery (thrombocytopenia)
I am scared to death about having a lumpectomy because I have a family history of blood clotting. I have been on Coumadin for many years. They have taken me off of Coumadin for the surgery and made me inject myself with a blood thinner and stop the day before surgery. What I am really scared about is that they will put me…
Fess up time Greatest losers!!!
My, another week past? I was trying so hard to be good this week. I think I will wait to post later today! I think I may be able to squeeze an extra .5 out at the last minute. I know I am this close (Thumb and pointer finger pinched together)!! So I will take Greeneye Girl's advice and weigh in naked!! After my shower…