Partial nerve sparing
Hello all I was wondering how many of you all that had nerve sparing on one side only are able to have an erection? I had nerve sparing on the right side only and had my surgery on Sept 29th and still have had no luck at all. I have talked to a few guys and found no one with the partial sparing having any luck. So is there…
Post Op PSA
Hi All My dad was diagnosed with PC in April 2009. He was told he was a Gleason 6 (3+3), PSA 5.5 with 2 out of 12 biopsies positive. He had the diVinci Robotics in Nov 2009 and was told he was actually a Gleason 7 (3+4) and the cancer was more aggressive than they originally told him. It had moved into the seminal vesicle…
Six month Update Following DaVinci
It's official I'm still in the 0 club. Six months after Davinci PSA 0 ! PSA 0. Using No pads. Having Success with Levitra. Life is good. Larry age 55 Gleason 7 (3+4) Positive margin noted from Surgery Results.
Antiinflamatory affecting PSA, any opinions?
I came across the article below that talks about possible benefits of aspirin for breast cancer survivors. That aspirin is an antiinflamatory. Well, for years my PSA was about 2.2 this year there was a slight rise, July 2.5 , NOv. 2.6 and last week 2.0........For the last few months I've been taking an antiinflamatory,…
Rising Psa Treatment
Has anyone heard of treating rising psa after surgery and radiation being treated with a single hormone shot???
Time for men to take a stand on PC
We have all read different comments on this site about Prostate Cancer(PC), and how little a lot of people know about it, and that many think it is just a slow cancer that is a good type of cancer to have, and it sure dosen't look like we have anything wrong with us if we have PC. As men, we don't push the issue like we…
Good Days and Bad Days
I am having a string of down days lately. I started taking one of those 6-day steroid packs last week to relieve swelling in the bladder from the radiation and almost immediately I started dripping again- I am right back to where I was when the cath was pulled back on March 31, 09. Very discouraging. I am starting kegels…
Pre Surgery Diet?…
Of interest to me anyway and I am not recommending any of this to anyone…This was recommended to me on Dec 4, 2009 by one of my doctors prior to my surgery date (which is March 3 and continue afterwards-post surgery) …I read what everyone is saying here and we (or at least me) are totally “reinventing” ourselves for the…
Incontinence Status after Botox Injections
To all of you that commented and were interested on my previous posts about Botox Injections in the Bladder for Incontinence, here's my current status: I was told I should see noticable results after two weeks. It's been 2 1/2 weeks---no change. The good news is the procedure was painless and I experienced no side-effects.…
Proton Beam....what's up??
Ok, so we are really running down the treatment lists, have sent out for books/lit/etc.....we are really impressed with HIFU and proton beam..i've read all the HIFU posts, and it seems availabilty, cost, and long term studies are the real problems....but, what about the proton beam??? I have been looking at the studies and…
First PSA Result since Surgery
I am officially a member of the ZERO CLUB!!!!!!!!! <0.1 NONDETECTABLE!!! I now feel I have confirmation on my choice of methods...and particularly surgeons! Pardon me I am going to celebrate with my sweetie! Here's to everyone making the right choices for a cure! my stats: 52 years old PSA 9/09 7.25 PSA 10/09 6.125…
Comparing Doctors- What do you think of this?
Please, give me some advice. On March 23, 09 I had surgery in Lansing, MI by Dr. Mashni. On March 31 I was in to his office to get the cath pulled and the path report from surgery. Dr. Mashni came in to seeme after the cath was out and told me I had positive margins, that I would need radiation or die. That has been the…
Double whammy...2 cancers Prostate and bladder.
Interesting how all of this worked out. In late October, My GP noted a rising PSA ( 4.8-5.02) and sent me to a urologist. DRE normal and biopsy ( 1 core less than 5% cancer, encapsulated and gleason 6). No symptoms until December when urination frequency became a minor irritant. Having 4 nurses in the family looking out…
Does anyone know how to shrink a prostate??
We are considering procedures that require a prostate less than or equal to 40cc's. and we are 40cc's. we can use natural supplements, but not hormone therapy. Has anyone faced this dilemna or posted any natural supplement suggestions. I have read some articles on vit d.....
Penile Length After Surgery
Boy I bet that is an attention grabber...seriously, I have read a few post on this subject and according to Dr. William J. Catalona about Penile Length after Surgery …In connecting the bladder to the urethra, there often is some retraction of the penis, but the true length of the penis is unchanged. No penile tissue is…
1st PSA test post davinci results
**UPDATE** Less than 0.06 was the reading, doc says good deal, start with a pump & ED samples, and tell the MRS to brace herself - lol. Nothing but good news this time, got measured for bladder emptying ability, I passed with flying colors per the tech. Time to get back into the swing of things with the next appt in 3…
Good Da Vincy surgery information - 8 weeks after Da Vincy
I found this website education about Da Vincy - very good for someone want to kmow about this process - I'm 8 weeks from Surgery - 1st PSA check up yesterday is <.1 = Zero. Thanks and make me feel good! will check up again in 3 months. http://www.davinciprostatectomy.com/assets/patient_ed_prostate/ I'm 59 year old -active…
PSA Check #2
I got the results of my 16-week PSA today - "less than 0.1, undetectable"! 8-week check was "less than 0.04 undetectable". The second check was at a different lab that only reports above 0.1, anything lower is simply "less than 0.1". Pre-op: PSA - 5.5 Gleason 6 (3+3) PNI Post-op: Gleason 7 (4+3) Staging - T3a Extension…
Hi,all... I have been recently diagnosed....4+3 and a 3+3, clean scans and a good DRE...Opted out of going the Da Vinci route due to prior abdominal surgery and opted out of radiation due to possible bowel complications. I have had 3 opinions and I have decided to have Dr. James Eastham perform open RP. I thank all of you…
Degarelix vs Lupron
Anyone have any info on Degarelix (approved by FDA 12/8/09. It is supposed to be a stronger drug than Lupron with less side effects. Notes from the web: Results showed that degarelix is as effective as leuprolide in reducing and sustaining castrate levels of testosterone.(1),(2) Suppression of testosterone to castrate…
Is anyone Else on Eligard Hormone treatment?
Just wondering. I didn't find anyone at Loma Linda who was on it either, though my oncologist certainly was aware of it. Also, while I get Eligard injected into my stomach, most of the guys I talked to who were getting shots got their injections in the hip or butt. There is also a gleason score line that once crossed,…
treatment options and survival rates for metastatic prostate cancer of my dad(59).,from india
what may be minimum survival rate of my (59year)old father.,and emerging treatments of my dad(59),who is with metastatic advanced -prostate cancer,spread to pelvic lymph nodes and left acetablem,femer,---with psa 8,and gleasons score3+3=6.,undergone orchyotectomy 10days back in hyderabad.,no other health problems till now.…
Post-op ride home
I am scheduled for a daVinci on Friday, Feb 26th, at Allegheny Hospital in Pittsburgh. I live in State College, about a 2 1/2 hour drive home. Sorry if this seems like a silly question but will it be the longest ride of my life? Any suggestions? We have an older Suburban that floats down the road like a couch on wheels ...…
Proton therapy
I'm looking to talk to someone who has had proton therapy, or knows about the situation at Loma Linda??? Thanks, Ralphie
hifu trials in US
HI!!! I called today to check on the HIFU trials in the US....is anyone participating??? or know anyone in the trials?? Thanks, Ralphie
Lupron not shrinking prostate?
Hi all, my father was prescribed Lupron after his PCa diagnosis this past November (Gleason 9 & 10, seminal vesicle involvement, no other spread detected), partly in an effort to stop the cancer, but also to shrink the prostate before radiation scheduled for late March. It seems to have succeeded in lowering his test.…
2 year Post Op PSA recurrance. Radiation? Hormone therapy?
Two years after robotic surgery, my PSA began to rise. It is now at 0.68. This is a low number but it was 0.42 in November so it is a concern. Radiation has been recommended. Also Hormone therapy with Casodex and Luperon is also an option. Has anyone had experience with either of these therapies? Side efffects? Impotence?…
Post Op Incisional Hernia Repair
I had an incisional hernia 7 months after Robotic Surgery. It was repaired....twice. Apparently such incisional hernias adjacent to the naval are not uncommon. Recommendation: If you have one: Repair it soon. I was told I could delay until the end of summer.. Mistake. Make sure that the repair is with permanent mesh. The…
Hearing Problems and ED Medications?
Has anyone experienced hearing problems (hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears) from taking one of the three common ED medications? Hearing problems caused by certain medications are referred to as ototoxicity. These problems can also be caused by exposure to very loud noises and aging. About eight weeks following…
first post surgery checkup
Hi its been almost 2 months since surgery due for first post op visit ,hope all news is good .any questions I should ask and when do you get first PSA Test done thanks Shane