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Prostate Cancer
Archives for February 2010
Discussion List
physically back to work mentally ive changed since the onset of cancer
hi guys i need some feedback on this one i had my prostate removed via the da vinci route on nov 13 of 09 and have just returned to a very physically and pressure filled job that offers no relief from ongoing stress that is inherently part of the job i work at a mental hospital and have to deal with patients in everywhich…
To the veterans here, what is a reasonable time frame to “recover” fully for “day to day” activities
To the veterans here, what is a reasonable time frame to “recover” fully for “day to day” activities after surgery?…I am very active now and fully plan on best case with doing my required workouts to get back on top… Specifically, has anyone out there looking for work pre and post surgery? I am having surgery March 3 and…
Chat Room
Does anyone here ever use the chat room? I went into the chat room this evening for a few minutes just to see how it works- no too bad but mostly women which is ok. Just wondering if any of the men aorund here use it?
BMs--regular but runny
No doubt there's a thread about this somewhere. But anyhow: I'm 4+ months out of cryosurgery, and all is going well as far as I know. However, despite eating well and being dutiful with my Benefiber, I have yet to deposit a nice, firm package into the toilet. Never more than once or twice a day, but always diarrhea-like.…
I Looked at Death Today
I stopped by to visit with a man, 71, who is in end stage prostate cancer. He is now under hospice care. The cancer is now into his bones and he hurts all over. What we are dealing with is serious stuff. If kills, but we all know that. I think if I see someone say, "oh, its only prostate cancer" one more time.... But…
Eight Weeks Post Surgery - PSA = Zero !!
Well, got word from my Urologist/Surgeon that my post op PSA was "zero". Those are the words you want to hear after going through all of this. I'm still at two pads a day, one at night before going to bed and one after my shower in the morning. I could probably do without the night pad, but it's just a safety measure for…