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Emotional Support
Archives for January 2018
Discussion List
husband has prostate cancer, I'm scared
Hello, I am new to the CSN site. My husband was diagnosed with PC in early November and I have discovered that I really need to talk with people who have gone through or are going through this specific type of cancer. Two weeks ago my husband had his prostate gland removed. The surgery went very well and the catheter and…
Volunteer Help
I am now in remission from Stage 2, type B Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I live in Vero Beach, Florida and was treated at the Scully-Welsh Cancer Center. I would absolutely love to give back and have been looking for volunteer opportunities but it seems that all of the positions are during regular working hours. I still work and…
The middle of the nite
just diagnosed with recurrence. I don’t have kids or a partner. What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night scared and alone, overwhelmed by worry or just feeling physically bad?
15 years later, how I found peace with what was
January 13, 2003 is a day that will go down in history engraved in my heart forever. It is the day my mom lost her battle with cancer. A battle that started in 1984. A battle that has shaped my life and outlook on everything that happens to me and others. After 15 years without my mom I never could have imagined that the…
What is Sigmoid Colon Neoplasm?
Hi All, Just want to ask some questions since my CT Scan diagnosis states that Sigmoid Colon Neoplasm or Colitis My history is i was in pain lower left abdomen for about 10 years. At ealry years of pain i was constipated, mid years was bloated and a lot of gas/farting too much, diarehhia and chills. Just last week i had my…
i, along with my sister and her two teenage boys, watched my 50 year old brother in law die, back on November 4, 2017. The worst case scenario was 8 months. Thirteen weeks later he was dead. The late August diagnosis was at the same time my mother came out of remission from fourth stage ovarian cancer. That's been going n…
Tumor on Outside of Pancreas
My sister's tumor is on the outside of her pancreas. She is doing chemo treatments now. The treatments are taking their toll on her. She will be 79 on January 22. She is sleeping alot and not eating. Is this the end for her.
chemo and bodily fluids
I am am a retired cancer RN. Ran across a discussion about bodily fluids burning partners of those receiving chemo, including during intercourse. Unfortunately, some of my former colleagues still maintain this urban legend. Throughout my entire career, I was never able to find a single documented case of this happening. It…
What do I do now?
I. just found out that I have an elevated CEA level of 12. I am already chronically ill with unrelated illness and am alone and without funs. Now, in addition to this, it looks like I will die soon. My symptoms that led to the test being done included a 30lb weight loss after a lifetime of being somewht overweight. I don't…