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I am healing very well from my bowel resection surgery 4 1/2 weeks ago. My surgeon/ gyn-onc called my medical oncologist and they discussed and debated my options and came up with several options for …
I just finished 26 rounds of radiation. I am having trouble with frequency of bowel movements with little production. It is so frequent that is in minutes instead of hours. I am taking imodium to help…
When I first met with my medical oncologist, she told me that my CA 125 was 8 before my hysterectomy, thus, not a good marker for me. Today, when I went to have my blood drawn before my chemo tomorrow…
I thought I would ask as this can be a tough month for those of us who are peachy or even our teal sisters. People ask me if I am battling breast cancer frequently and I have been told that I am lucky…
Just went to by gyn onc for 6 month checkup. I was DX on 1 April 2011 with MMMT from a D&C surgery for post menopausal bleeding. Had surgery 8 Apr 2011 had 6 rounds of Carbo/Taxol every 21 days with l…
I would go there, but if someone can share her personal experience with this place, doctors, etc. it will be a great help. If we are not allowed to write about it here, you can send me a message. Than…
Hello all you amazing women, Im so thankful you are here. My mom just finished 6 rounds of carbo/taxol and needs radiation. It looks like most of the women on this board get around 25 treatments of ex…
Hello all you amazing women, Im so thankful you are here. My mom just finished 6 rounds of carbo/taxol and needs radiation. It looks like most of the women on this board get around 25 treatments of ex…
Despite this ever lurking alligator waiting in the marsh to pounce. Grateful that when I dared to really look my glass is still half full. HELLO LADIES ! I returned from a wonderful vacation on Friday…
Hello there. I have been following this forum for a few months now, and finally managed to set up an account (due to internet safety controls at work, confirmation emails kept getting rejected). I hav…
I am hoping someone can give me some feedback on the type of surgery they had and their recovery experience. I am helping a friend who just got diagnosed to understand the options and be able to commu…
My mother just got back from a 4 day hospital stay following a hysterectomy. They removed her Uterus, ovaries and lymphnodes. Her bladder Dr.(not sure what they call that) was also present during the …
So I was wondering... friends have invited me to go sailing a week after my next chemo session. In the past, I haven't had any seasickness unless I try to read on a boat. But... I was wondering if the…
Hi All, Today was supposed to be my 7th weekly treatment. However, fatigue continued to plague me and I made the decision to move to the every 3 week schedule. The changes that we made last week with …
Hello to all you beautiful ladies. As a caregiver for my 53 yr old mother, I was wondering if any of you have received intraperitoneal chemotherapy (IP)? My mom was diagnosed with UPSC stage IVb (flui…
Hello to all you beautiful ladies. As a caregiver for my 53 yr old mother, I was wondering if any of you have received intraperitoneal chemotherapy (IP)? My mom was diagnosed with UPSC in late July, h…