Shocked in Idaho - Many Thanks
Words can not express what it means to me to have all of your support! I forgot to mention my PSA - Over the last several years it has been gradually climbing - in the normal range. This time it came back 5.1 and just to recap I am 56 - out of twelve biopsies 1 came back positive. Less than 5% tissue. My gleason score is…
Shocked in Idaho
On April 23rd @ 2:30 p.m. I received the info that my biopsy was positive for cancer. My mind is a complete mess. I have an appointment with Dr. Todd Wald*** in (Meridian, ID) just outside Boise, ID. I have been told he is very good with the da Vinci Surgical Method. Has anyone gone to this Urologist? Any feed back? I am…
Tired, energyless, no get up and go
Is there anyone who can tell me if these feelings are normal for someone who last treatment in December. Five weeks of radiation and then seed implants right after all before Dec. 25. My husband is feeling this way but feels that he should not be. It sounds like something that could be normal, esp. since he almost died in…
Saw Palmetto
Anyone used instead of Flomax? And if so, what were your results? I bought for my husband because I had read that side effects are not as bad as flomax and he is using, and at first he had to use one flomax pill but now is just using the Flomax and he is beginning to feel that is working. Anyone use flomax and have many…
Diagnosed 1/09, robotic surgery 3/09, awaiting first PSA. A 60+ sailor sorta new at this
I was diagnosed in January: PSA 4+, Gleason 7 (3+4), staging T2c. I had robotic surgery at City of Hope (Dr. Kawachi) in March, and am awaiting my first post-surgery PSA next week. I've written up my story, and my wife's, including all the research we did along the way (lots of links). It's rather long a long thing, and…
Proton therapy
Having not heard much about it, I googled it and found the following website which gives a good discussion of all the radiation based therapies. http://www.rtanswers.org/treatment/disease/prostate_cancer.htm As to another post regarding herbal or natural therapies, I don't know anything about them but am somewhat skeptical…
Gleason 10
My husband had a radical prostate removal at MDAnderson in Houston. He had the seminal vesticules removed also. He has made slow progress battling incontinence but is dry at night and has more control...23 diapers a day. We are now in Tampa, Florida, and have been seeing doctors here. One radiation oncologist pressured us…
Prostate cancer diagnosis
I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 56. I have checked my PSA for the past 10 years, the reason being that my father had prostate cancer too. Although my PSA was never outside the normal range( highest level was 3)it had changed by more than 0.75 within a year and that prompted a biopsy.(painless…
PSA went consistently down after IMRT from 7 to 4 to 2 to 2 to 1.5 and last week went to 1.8. Am I i
PSA went consistently down after IMRT from 7 to 4 to 2 to 2 to 1.5 and last week went to 1.8. Am I in Trouble? I made an appt with my General Practioner, Urologist, and Onconolgist. Any ideas on what they might say? Not sure if I like 1.5 to 1.8 in 3 months? GP said he will put me on antibiotics and then test again.
PSA doubled in 6 months after radiation treatment
My husbands psa doubled since his last psa 6 months ago. He had external beam radiation after being diagnosed 2 years ago. His first 6 month psa dropped slightly but not what doc wanted his next one also dropped very little. Now it doubled. Doctor told us not to panic and he would recheck in 4 months if went up again he…
There is good news!
Hello everyone, I've been reading horror stories and I've been reading very positive stories on this and other bulletin boards. I would like to spend a few minutes on the good side of things. I wanted to share a positive story, mine, with all of those who are trying to figure out what to do and are facing surgery soon.…
My dad was just diagnosed with PC
My dad is 61 and was just diagnosed with the cancer he is suffering from hip and upper leg pain. His Gleason score was 9 and PSA was 7,the bone scan came back abnormal. The uralogist has gave him some pills that nock the testosterone out of him until he can decide on a treatment. He goes back Fri. to decide on a treatment…
new problem with incontenance after 5+ months with none
The last week has hit me with a recurance of incontenance like i've never had. I have been one of the lucky ones with very little trouble in this area. Don't anyone loose any faith in there ability for a full recovery by this posting. I had four beers this afternoon. When I got home I sat down and watched the news of the…
"watchful waiting"
Hello Brothers, I am 66, in execelent health, eating right with regular exercise. A urologist found a growth in the cavitiy, not on the prostate, so I had a biopsy March 2, 2009. Two of twelve core contained low amount of cancer .05/100, on the right side. My gleason is 3+3=6. My PSA is 2.2 and has been at this level for a…
PSA rise
I had bracytherapy 9.5 years ago for PC and have had low PSA (<0.1) for the last 9 years. My last two PSA have been .1 and .77. Needless to say, this worries me. I haven't seen a urologist or oncologist for 5 years. I am going to get another PSA in about a month to make sure this last was not an anomaly, and then I guess I…
Nodawgs, you posted or updated something on 3/16 but no updates. Anybody know what's up with him. jj
Finally Done With Radiation
Finally....I have completed 44 days of radiation treatments at the University of Pennsylvania. When I began, I thought they would never end. Now that it is over, it wasn't so bad. It was quite an interesting experience though. I took advantage of the Calypso beacons which were implanted in my prostate prior to initiation…
survived with these numbers?
I was just diagnosed March 19. Got 4+3=7Gleason cancer in 6 out of 9 cores PSA 26 Clean CT and bone Scan PERINEURAL INVASION PRESENT When one reads tables the outlook is pretty grim. I am wondering if anyone had similar numbers and what they chose for treatment.
Homone Therapy Before da Vinci Procedure
My doctor tells me that I would need three to four months of hormone therapy to shrink my prostate to the point where I would be able to have a da Vinci (robotic) surgery. I was told this by a leading doctor in the field and I have no reason to disbelieve him, but I cannot find anything, anywhere about prostates being too…
Treatment Center Choices
I have narrowed down my treatment choice to HDR Brachytherapy. Right now my research has led me to the Seattle Prostate Institute, CET in Oakland CA., and Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I am seeking opinions of these three options based on peoples knowledge and experience with them. Any and all help is greatly…
Recovery time for normal erections
Two years ago this month I had a laproscopic bilateral nerve sparing prostetectomy. Every thing has come out fine including continence. However, I have not had the same success regarding erections. Shortly after surgery my doctor put me on viagra. With viagra, I was able to achieve enlargement but not an erection. After…
PSA after Radical
As there exists a lack of happy precision with PSA testing both pre and post operatively regarding the "aggressiveness" of a particular cancer, I wonder about the presence of a 0.5 or less PSA after surgery (shouldn't it be absent) and whether or not radiation therapy is based upon neither sign nor symptom, but upon a…
Urine Leakage
Anyboby have any experience similar to mine? Had radical prostate removal last June. Am only using 1 pad a day and do not need any at night except if I am trying to have sex. Before, during and after sex I have no control over my blader. It just leaks continually. I am using ( not too successfully )the inection method to…