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Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
Archives for November 2019
Discussion List
potential new treatment for relapsed DLBCL
Afraid of reoccurrence
Hi. I've never wrote on a site before. I want someone to talk to and don't want to keep bothering my loved ones with complaints or admit out loud what I am really scared of. I'm 38 now but when I was 20/21 and 29 weeks pregnant I had only 1 swollen clavicle node and abso no other symptoms. I was diagnosed w/ Hodgkins stage…
Increasing pain and lack of mobility
Hi guys. Hoping for some inspiration. I am one year and a couple months out of RCHOP x 6 with MTX X 4 for stage 4 dlbcl. Achieved remission. My issue is the following: My shoulders, knee, both wrists and several other places are in constant pain. I have gone from jogging, hiking, bike riding to just being able to walk with…
Swollen lymph node clavicle
Hi, I'm a new member not new to cancer. diagnosed with fnhl stage 2a and ovarian cancer 3C in 2015. Radiation to abdomen for the fnhl in 2017 I actually just had my onc appt in October. Bloods were good along with CT. a few days ago I noticed swelling (one side) by my clavicle bone. i do have a call into onc but thought…
2019 Seattle T-Cell Lymphoma/Leukemia patient seminar
It's that time of year (once) again. Dr. Andrei Shustov, founder of the T Cell Leukemia Lymphoma Foundation, internationally known T-Cell Leukemia and Lymphoma researcher and clinical specialist, will conduct a free patient education seminar in Seattle on Saturday, December 14th, 2018. It begins at 8:30 Am and runs through…
Follow Up PET scans
i have not been n here for a few years and it is wonderful to see so many on the “old gang” on has been 4 yrs since treatment with no signs of reoccurrence..I need some advice though. I went with my friend to see her oncologist Friday as she is 7 years past breast cancer, hiking working full time in the woods…
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma
integrative Medicine for SMZL
hey Po..... just wondering
Are you going to the California Lymphoma Workshop in Redondo Bch this Sat.? I know you do attend many of them? Since it's only a short flight for us, we decided to go. There is a Q&A session if anyone has any pressing ??? Becky
Organ Donation
I was told that because of my lymphoma I cannot donate organs upon my death. I had been told previously that the corneas were an exception but Virginia says that is not rhe case. Anyone know about this topic? Greatest songwriter ofall time. Mark Twain + Shakespeare + Dylan x 10 =…
Lymphoma Symptoms, Seeing ENT Monday
Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I hope this type of post is allowed. About 4 months ago I noticed a swollen node right behind my ear. Went to my doctor who said it was a cyst and not to worry about it. Last week I noticed it had gotten bigger and I had another one behind my other ear. Also one on my neck. Went to…