The C: Section Chronicles - 6 years later
It's been a while. Yes it has been that long. yesterday I had my final ultra sound scan at the bequest of the ENT. It is hard to believe that 6 and a half years ago a lump was discovered on my neck, which started this adventure (as recorded in the Chronicles which I am going to collate into a full document sometime.)…
Reading A Pathology Report And Questions To Ask Your Health Care Team
I was talking with another CSN'er and a question came up about pathology reports and got me digging for more information and in doing some research I came up with a wonderful page of information from cancer.net about pathology reports probably everything you need to know and the questions you should ask your medical team.…
Questions For Your Doctor After Treatment Has Ended
Hello folks, I came across this short guide and I am attaching it here. It gives you an idea of questions to ask your doctor after your cancer treatment has ended. It can be printed out and there is a lined section at the end for you to take notes. Take care, God Bless-Russ
Questions For Your Doctor After Diagnosis
Hello folks, I came across this short guide and I am attaching it here. It gives you an idea of questions to ask your doctor after you get the diagnosis of cancer. It can be printed out and there is a lined section at the end for you to take notes. Take care, God Bless-Russ
Carotid Artery Stroke Issue From Radiation Treatment
Hello, Folks-I encountered this discussion on another H&N forum and thought it was important to share here. Please read this lady's account of having a stroke due to muscle stenosis around the carotid artery from radiation treatment 15 years prior. I believe I had heard of this but had forgotten about it. I don't think it…
Spring Is Starting-Spring Is Close
Once again here in Southeastern PA spring is and has been getting started. I am sure your part of the country varies from this location as per spring happenings Things are not totally bustin' out yet but after a few really warm days things will really get started. Every spring wherever you are at all things are new and new…
Vacmedix-A New Platform to Make Cancer and Viral Vaccines
Hello fellow CSN'ers, hoping you are all having the best day possible. I came across this article in my travels and thought it might interest some here on CSN H&N. it appears to be another group and this one I believe is in Britain, that is developing cancer vaccines and working on making immunotherapy better. You folks…
I.am a 63yoF who just got diagnosed with Stage 2 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Hi ~ This is my first time here so a little unsure. I was recently diagnosed with vocal cord cancer & am kind of freaked out. I had endo cervical cancer last year & so far so good on that. Chemo & rad. I am so much more afraid this time. I haven’t started rad yet (no chemo this time) but I already can barely be heard…
New Problem: Radiation Recall?
Hello old friends, and new. The good news is that my husband's recent scans are all NED, five years out from treatment for SCC HPV+ cancer of tongue, mets to neck. Some of you will remember that we've had a few scares (episodes of new tongue dysplasia) handled by laser ablation. Happily, the state of his tongue has been…
Have to get a molar pulled
I am a thirteen-year survivor of nasopharyngeal cancer. Through the years, I have spent thousands on my teeth. I had a molar that had a crown on it. It decided to come loose and fall off. Now I need to have the root pulled out. My dentist has put me on two meds. Pentoxifylline and vitamin E to ward off osteoradionecrosis.…
Biotene products hard to find
For those of us who suffer from dry mouth from our cancer treatments, rely on saliva substitutes . I have been using the Biotene products for over twelve years. Now I can't find it and if I do, retailers are asking high prices for it. I just ordered a new gel product. Hoping this will work. I use it when I go to bed so my…
Radiation cause trismus
Hi all I am a 68 year old lady who had surgery this time last year, my ENT surgeon had to stop though as tumor that they think started on my left tonsil cT4 N1 HPV was big and wrapped around my carotid artery. So then underwent 7 weeks of radiation treatments 70 gy and 7 weeks of chemo Cisplatin. So far my scans have shown…