11 Years Ago
11 Years ago, the day before Thanksgiving, I'd gone in for a colonoscopy because of rectal bleeding. Well, long story short, it was the dreaded C word. I've been through a lot and still am but I'm here 11 years later. This group has helped me so much in everything that I've gone through and some of it wasn't even cancer…
I was looking up the nutrition for leeks, and saw lots of articles that leeks help fight colon cancer. Have any of you heard about this? And I happen to love leeks, so would eat them a few times a week if it is true.
Happy thanksgiving everyone! I am thankful to be here and I am thankful for this group! My question is about work. I have been out of work throughout my entire cancer experience and treatment. There was no way I would have been able to do my job and manage the treatments. I am currently on long term disability which also…
Dying well.
I know it is not a subject we breach often here on the forum; as the forum is all about surviving and how to survive. But, I just read this article, and it warmed my heart to see so many families and friends, supporting the dying wishes of their loved ones. Of course, I know that for some, the end will not be a calm one,…
Just Diagnosed Stage lV lots of liver mets
I am 40yo and was just diagnosed stage 4 with an 8cm tumor in sigmoid colon and approx 15 tumors in my liver. obviously I am not a candidate for surgery anytime soon for my liver Mets. Has anyone on here had numerous liver tumors like me? I am starting chemo in December. They haven't mentioned anything about radiation…
News: Cancer survivors have higher risk of dying of heart disease
Just read this in the news. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50516536 I say damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Another link on the same subject https://www.bbc.com/news/health-49770429 Tru
Newly diagnosed - need advice
Hi I was diagnosed few weeks ago 7cm in cecum with extended local nodes and possibly lynch syndrone. Surgery for right hemicolectomy and hysterectomy scheduled for Dec 3rd - waiting for genetic Lynch testing results to see how much to take. Looking for advice on how to deal with surgery recovery what should take for…
Good news!
Was at Sloan Kettering for scans and appointments this week. Chemo is working. Lung spots shrunk dramatically; belly tumor stayed about the same. 4 more rounds of FolFiri, then we reconsider surgery, followed by maintenance chemo of 5FU + Avastin. Wheeeeeeeee!
A visit to MD Anderson. A crying Butt.
I am currently en route from a trip number 4 to MD Anderson. All I was hearing chemo for life but during the second visit the doc mentioned potentially a TIL trail and did a blood work to see if I am a match that I was. During the 3rd visit I heard that that they have a couple of varions of the said trail. At that point I…
6th chemo today for husband-fear/anxiety
Today is my husbands 6th chemo treatment, yay about half way done. The first 5 treatments have only been with the 5fu and today will be the first with the Oxaliplatin, starting with only 1/2 dose. They have held off due to nerve issues he was currently having. He (we) are petrified to start this new chemo. The last…
I had the weirdest side effect during infusion with cetuximab - chills. I was trembling so hard I couldn't control my hands. Has anyone else had this happen? I saw that cetuximab had chills as a side-effect but this was beyond anything I expected.
Any dietary advice please
Hi My mother got diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer. She’s had surgery to remove the colon lesion and also surgery to remove the solitary metastasis that was found in her lung. We are waiting for her chemo to start. We have been torn with this news. It was all just incidental findings (found on bowel cancer screening…
Dropping in to say hello. I'm still kicking.
Hello, I havent been on the boards in quite a while but you're never all far from my mind. I send thoughts into the universe to get my Board friends back to health. To everyone fighting, dont stop. You can do this! One day at a time. I'm six years out and still struggling with ostomy issues but I just suck it up buttercup…
Howdy (Intro and fatigue question)
I don't know if there's a place where everyone does hellos to the group, at least I couldn't find one, so I've started a thread, lol. I'm Mark, 53, with oligometastatic CRC. I was diagnosed in Feb 2019 after a few years of complaining about anemia and chronic diarrhea (I didn't have a PCP). Doctors always seemed to ask me…
Hello, My name is Kristine and I have stage four colon cancer. Does anyone have any ideas or helpful hints onneuropathy?
Mouth Sore
I finally got the mouth sore side effect. How do you get rid of one? Been rinsing with biotene. Do the antibiotics they give when taking erbutix help? This is very painful.
Well... Been a few years
Hey Fellas, been a couple of years that I stopped by here. Was honestly hoping I wouldn't have to come back but life doesn't go as planned, right ? After 7 years of NED. A little kicked in the butt right now. Anybody have a good translation or words of encouragement ? This showed up on a CT scan recently but not on a PET…
Folfiri stopped working
I've been on Folfiri since June 2018 and have had increases in my CEA. Just found out the tumors in my lungs are growing again. The doctor at my local clinic said that the average time on Folfiri before cancer progresses is only about 3 months so she thinks I did really well on it. However I believe that there were too…
Question on a procedure
I have dozens of mets in my lungs. Despite chemo, they are increasing. Did anyone have SBRT or gamma knife done on just a few big ones when the rest were left behind? Butt.
Ostomy supplies..
Hi everyone, Right now I have 6 boxes of wafers and 2 boxes of the corresponding pouches, they are the kind that require the clip. I also have clips, a box of barrier wipes and a box of adhesive remover wipes. I switched to a different company, and the pouches I'm using are the kind with the velcro thing for the closure.…
Any tips to beat fatigue
When I first started irinitecan /erbutix, I felt like the fatigue was not as bad as on folfox. But now I am just exhausted! At first I was doing that trial for the cream that took a lot of time. Then I took a vacation, which was very active, then got back and went upstate to visit family. I am hoping it is just the…
i had a right hemi removing 12“ of colon stage 2a diagnosis in May of 18, colonoscopy in May of 19 they removed small polyp (4mm) was benign everything else clear. Red blood on toilet paper today but not in bowel or on stool. My report did indicate internal hemoraids. I have not had any irration and have been feeling good.…
a virus that kills all cancer types in mice
an Australian company have made a virus that kills all cancer types in mice. The treatment is called is called CF33. Trials are starting next year. Here is a link. https://www.news.com.au/national/human-trials-to-begin-next-year-using-a-virus-to-kill-cancer/news-story/f38cd02d2652a2ff3ae90a51b4893423
Another CEA jump.
A while back I posted up a thread outlining my CEA craziness. Because the search function majorly sucks for this site, here'sa quick summary. My CEA has been abnormal for close to 3 years now. For the past two years, my CEA has bounced around from 11 to 20. Every CEA test was accompanied by a CT scan which showed nothing.…
I really want to smack this person - fakes cancer for $
Actually I would never hit anyone, but I would be hard pressed not to use some really bad words. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/GoFundMe-Facebook-Donations-Scam-Allegations-Cancer-Lie-Fake-Chester-County-Pennsylvania-Uwchlan-Township-564376041.html
Has anyone heard from her. It's been quite sometime since I've seen her post. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks! Kim
Happy Birthday Kazenmax
Let's par-tay! I hope you have a splendid day, filled with all the joys that life can bring. Happy Day! Tru
Scan Questions
For my lung scan two were unchanged, one increased by .2 cm. The liver one shrunk by half. Is there ANY possibilty that maybe some of the cells are just dead but still occupying space? I know I am grasping at straws, and that it could have been much worse. I was really expecting/hoping for shrinkage and definitely not…