Status after second resection of the liver
I had a second resection few days back and was researching of it being curative and i could only find one research paper of 2011 which concludes as follows ; Repeat hepatectomy for mCRC is feasible in highly selected patients, with acceptable perioperative morbidity and mortality. Although repeat hepatectomy should be…
gall bladder
just had gall bladder surgery now ready for chemo next monday
It hasn't been asked in quite a while so . . . Any plans for this weekend?
Tomorrow I am going to a "Sexy Karaoke Birthday Party" at an Irish bar. The birthday boy is named Jim and he's a big fan of Stewie from Family Guy so he's having a Stewie Sexy Party. I've never sung Karaoke at a bar so I'm super excited. Some of the people coming are heavy hitter drinkers so it should be entertaining when…
stage 4 colon cancer
My husband was diagnosed on jan 29 with stage 4 colon cancer. I was wondering of any advise or encouraging words from this stage. Thanks in advance .
"Radiation therapy for cervical cancer increases risk for colorectal cancer"
http://medicalxpress.com/print316951313.html Never heard of any female asserting this for need to be here but this is something to pass on to anyone you know dealing with cervical cancer .....
What does a high D-Dimer mean?
Hey all, I have a question. Does anyone know what an elevated D-Dimer means if there is no evidence of a blood clot? Jason's is very high (2480.0 normal is 0.0-400.0). He was having some chest pain, so they did a test to check for a blood clot but didn't find anything.....
PET results - Mets to liver, and a worrisome spot in the rectum - UPDATE April 17th
Thank you so very much, Patchadams and those who were thinking of me today. So, there is a worrisome spot in the rectum and a growing spot on my liver. As far as the spot in the rectum, my Oncologist is baffled, as I was radiated to Hell and back in that area, plus I had a clean colonoscopy in January. Anyway, he wants me…
Friends of Buzz
I got a note from his minister of music yesterday that said Buzz's sister is battling cancer. She had not been doing well with tx's but her last report showed no cancer. She has not told the church what kind of cancer it is. Also, he thought we'd want to know that Buzz's kids are doing great. A local group did a big event…
CEA question about an old thread
I had bookmarked an old thread where one of our members had listed her CEA for years and it jumped all over the place, tho she remained clear of cancer. I kept it because I always worry so much while waiting for my CEA results. I tried to access it today and it says the thread is not found. I don't remember who was the…
Trubit gets results of PET today...... keep her in your thoughts
I'm praying for good reports or a quick fix. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. Patch
Update on old member Diane
Just got the news from Diane that 5 years and 3 months since her first dx (Stage III) and 2 years and 3 or 4 days since her hepatic resection, her CT and MRI's were clear. Her doctor was very upbeat and said that at 2 years with no recurrence, she has a really good chance of no other recurrences. CT and MRI every six…
Giving Thanks!
I have to post Praise and Thanks to God above! - CEA test on 4/10 was under 1.0 (Still NED) - No chemo since 9/17/2013. - Carribbean cruise scheduled for next week - just completed a brisk one-hour walk and feel amazing. - applied for a promotion at work (don't know if I'll get it). - My family is all well and happy -…
Advice, please
I hesitated to post this because it feels so minor compared to what others are dealing with everyday...but I could use some advice or reassurance. Quick summary: I was diagnosed in August of 2009 with stage 2 colon ca . pT3cNOMX. Moderately differentiated. 13 lymph nodes taken and negative. Perineural invasion present.…
Chemo induced diarrhea".....current treatments and side effects"
Got this in an email and have not read full study accessed by clicking either link at top of this www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44733 and from site i often cite (for your sight) http://medicalxpress.com/print316697084.html http://medicalxpress.com/print316700331.html
After HR, what has been your follow up schedule?
I had a hepatic resection over 3 years after my Stage III dx for colon cancer. That was over 2 years ago and I'm on an every 6 month follow up. I called the ACS and asked what they recommended as follow up. They're going to send me something in the mail saying it depends on so many different things. Tell me your time out…
My Patrick passed away today
Devoted husband of 31 years, loving father of our 2 children, great walker of our 2 dogs, and the very best friend that I could ever hope for. He fought this battle bravely for almost 3 years, and when he got knocked down, he dusted himself off, and kept fighting till the very end. He was a hands on type of guy. He loved…
If You Could Go Anywhere...
where would you go? If money, health, etc. were no object. Heck, let's even say time is no object, just in case anyone wants to travel to a different time period. I'm just curious about what places we consider our "dream" destination. My dream trip would be to see all of the UK, and Ireland as well. I would like to see…
Maybe someone will find some of this of use:
www.onclive.com/peer-exchange/refractory-crc/Treatment-of-Unresectable-RAS-Wild-type-Metastatic-CRC This site has some good stuff on CRC Something called MGD007 , another dubbed HMPL-013,a third BGJ-398 have been reported by the media And another "Likely culprit in the spread of colon cancer..." at…
I am sorry for the post about Pete. I didn't intend to be insensitive to the community here and certainly didn't want to start or restart any conflict.
Johnnybegood UPDATE
Was hoping to post that JBG was home safely & healing, but(there's always a but, isn't there) it seems that the steri strips used on the surgical incision are in the line of fire from the stoma bag attachment & they would not stay in place. At the moment, she has a gaping 4" incision which is covered with gauze. This is to…
pet scan results
my onc just called and said it was just the lymph node no place else still have to have chemo but it's a relief knowing
Jen2012 Biopsy results?
Hey Jen did you guys get the results right away or even a prelimanary 'think it is / isn't' report? Be sure to let us know!
It Just Doesn't Get any Easier
On Monday of this week I had a Ct scan of ab and chest. My follow-up appt with onc was April 30....last night the nurse phoned and asked to see us at one today Thursday. I begged her to just give some hint of what was up but noooooooo she knows the doc knows the radiologist knows but I don't know. Of course I am assuming…
Pete Lost at Sea
I have been following his blog. He posted today that he really wants to come back and will behave himself. I know that even I have had my differences with him due to his harsh comments but if you read the entries into his blogs he is just very passionate about beating cancer as we all are but has trouble expressing his…
February CEA was 30+...had Liver surgery in mid February and CEA only dropped to 19+. Propsed chemo is Leucovorin, 5FU and Avastin starting next week for six months. But platelets are under 75, so that may not last long. At the last appointment Onc did not talk about any of the current test results or comment on the CT…
Sharing good news
It's been 7 years since my Stage IV Appendix Cancer diagnosis, and I remain healthy. Wishing us all this good fortune! Alice
still there
go for pet scan wed have port fri gall bladder scan mon, it's been acting up, they think after resection in 2010 {stage 2b didn't have chemo}, it's still there in 1 node hope no other place, all my bloodwork has been coming back normal. don't understand, start chemo tues, for 6 mths its going to be every two weeks 2 days…
Have you heard this? Treatment question
My mother's best friend is an RN at a hospital here in Mobile. She's 63. She told mother that the hospital had a seminar last week that explained, with the new insurance rules, that treatment for seroius illness, like CANCER, will not be offered to Medicare patients who do not have another primary insurance carrier even if…
Winter Marie, Sundancer, who else am I missing?
Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you guys. If you can check in and say hi, great! And if not, just know that we miss you. (I know there are a ton of others too, so feel free to add them here if you have someone you are thinking of and haven't seen here in a while) Lots o' love~AA
Scan Results in
Just got another all clear on the scan results. That never gets old, so I am 2 years and 3 months NED. This continues to be a great feeling and the scan-iety is decreasing. My best to everyone.