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Gynecological Cancers (other than ovarian and uterine)
Archives for October 2005
Discussion List
A new procedure for those of us wanting children
Hi, I was diagnosed March '05, I am 21 and had a visible to naked eye tumor growing out of my cervix for 5 months before I was properly diagnosed. I have a rare and aggressive form of cervical cancer thought to be caused by genetics. I also have severe (CNI/3) precancer on my cervix. My actual cancer is thought to be…
Prior to Radiation...
I thought I had done ALL of my homework on what to expect at the doctors office. I went to meet my Radiology Oncologist today to discuss the aggressiveness and length of my upcoming treatment, and to get marked for radiation to begin next week. I was prepared for yet another doctor examining me, but what I wasn't prepared…
Swelling after treatment
Hi, I am a 32 year old single mom and was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December of 2004. Since that time I had surgery in which several lymph nodes were removed, internal/external radiation and chemotherapy. Also, in February I experienced 2 seizures in which they could not find any cause. Because of this I have lost…
Swelling after treatment
I am 32 years old and was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December. Since that time I went through surgery which involved removal of several lymph nodes, internal/external radiation, and chemotherapy. I had some complications during chemo in which I had 2 seizures in the same day in February (on my b-day of all days).…
Newlywed, newly diagnosed w/Cervical cancer
The past week has been life altering. I discovered I had a tumor on my cervix on a friday. Had an appt w/the oncologist on Monday, and had surgery the following Friday. (A biopsy & Cystoscopy). Oncologist called today with results...not good. The cancer has spread to my lymphatics, which is what I didn't want to hear. I'm…
My vagina is pissed off
Hello fellow vulvar cancers... Hevent been here in a while. I was doing some reading and I was amazed at how many new responses there were. My latest history is carcinoma in situ. 2003, May scheduled for a wide local incision. Doc said it was only the size of a dime and would be simple same day surgery. No laser, it would…