Hi. We're new.
Hi everyone! I am so glad to have found this board. The courage and support from all of you is so inspiring. I'll start by introducing myself. My name's Jackie and my husband and I were married last year. Earlier this year (Feb 2010) Anthony was diagnosed with EC (ge junction). They staged it at IIB and he was started on…
Roller Coaster from H*** continues for my dad
An update on my dad. We thought last weekend after his party was going to be the end. He had all the signs, the preist came, and dad was ready too. No words had gone unspoken. He made it through the night, but on Sunday he was a mess, falling, not making sense, ect. We were afraid because it was not safe for him to be at…
Update from Linda and Jim in Idaho
We continue to be on the roller coaster ride you all talk about. Jim is having low blood pressure problems since his release from the hospital. The cardiologist has removed his heart medications and they will be doing a echocardiogram on Tuesday. They are concerned that the radiation may have caused damage to the heart.…
On Dad's HIPAA form. What do I ask doctor for?
Dad gave me clearance to communicate with Genesis Cancer Center in Hot Springs, Arkansas about his care. He doesn't want me to be a bother to them and will remove me if he gets feedback that I am. I want to know his specific diagnosis with nodes and markers. I want to know full results of his PET scan. I want to know what…
Esophagectomy scheduled in Los Angeles with Dr. Demeester
I am early stage EC and failed endoscopic treatment when a new lesion was found 11/4/10. Scheduled for surgery 12/13/10 at the USC Norris Cancer Center in Los Angeles. I am hoping to hear from others who have had the surgery as to recovery experiences, etc. Anyone who had the same surgeon would be helpful also. I have…
Linda's husband home from hospital AGAIN!
Jim is home from the hospital, feeling better, weaker, thinner, but his counts are up! The Pro-time is back to normal and for now he is off of his Coumadin. We have our appointments set up for Portland for Oregon Health & Science University Hospital. We go the 29th of this month and he will have his after chemo/radiation…
Adverse reaction to 5FU?
Dad got the last 5FU dose of his first cycle yesterday. By evening had a red and enflamed torso, face and mouth. Is this more likely a side effect or an allergic reaction? Doc is treating as an allergic reaction, reducing 5FU from 2000 to 1000 and treating with Benedryl. Any thoughts? Only slightly better today with…
Just found y'all
A little background. I began my journey with cancer in the early 1990's when my wife was diagnosed with breat cancer. Lost her in 1996. I had surgery for anal cancer in February 2008 and remain cancer free. My fiancee was diagnosed with EC in January of this year (I'm my own little cancer cluster) and had her surgery June…
I don't really post much now, but once you become a member on here its hard to not follow up on things. Jeff went to the doctor today his oncologist, and his report was great, the only thing that on his scan showed up was a nonspecific 5 mm hypdensity is incidentally noted in the right thryoid lobe and may be on the basis…
Husband passed away this morning
Sorry to say, my husband, Hal, lost his life to this terrible disease this morning. thank you all for your words of encouragement over these past 12 months. He is in heaven now - pain free and no cancer! Jethro-t Rhonda
dad is near the end
Dad made it to his party last night, barely. He is near the end, the rattle, delirum, and showing other signs. Please pray for a gentle transition to his next world. I love him so much! Deb
Question for those of you that have had radiation treatments
When those of you who had lymph node involvement, and radiation, did you get treatments to the nodes to? Or just the main tumor. Just wondered how that worked. Thanks
Please remember this man in your prayers
Brother-in-law of friend diagnosed with EC IIB. Underwent chemo/radiation and recently MIE, I believe, surgery for cancer removal. This was some 3 or 4 weeks ago, and he is still in intensive care. Shortly after surgery, started losing blood, found that his spleen had possibly been nicked or whatever during surgery and was…
hiccups and burps
Hello and I hope your day is going well. Does anyone know what can help with the hiccups and burps. John is stage 4 has had radiation and is taking herceptin and 5FU every other week at this time. He has had several other chemo drugs as well. Is doing fairly well. Maintaining a decent weight and is able to eat and drink ok…
Found out stage and treatment....
Well it has been one heck of a week as we have learned more about my brother Raymond. Wednesday Radiation consultation, Thursday first visit with the surgeon and today the Oncologist has explained when they plan to start. Novemeber 29th is the first day of chemo and radiation. He will start with 6 hours of Cisplatin and…
My Mom Ginny's Update as of 11/23/10
All my CSN friends, Just a quick note that mom had a successful procedure done yesterday, 11/23/10. Her leaking heart valve will be being replaced. Everything else looked normal, which is wonderful! She will have her pre op appt. on 11/30/10. Her triple bypass/heart valve replacement surgery will be on 12/6/10. Thank you…
Question re first round of chemo
Just found this site today, so new to board. Age 77 dad dianosed with stage IV EC with mets to lymphnodes, bone, blood (per his email). 3/4" tumor on inside of upper esoph. As I understand it mets are regional (armpit, upper vertebrae, don't know about the blood thing as that's brand new info). Started chemo yesterday.…
Hubby starting radiation soon...
I've read a lot on here from people going through radiation treatment, but any pointer would be great. We got a few questions answered today. I even got to voice my concerns. We heard info we wanted to hear and some we didn't, but info non-the-less. We got to see pics of PET and ct. So that was good. Thanks again for…
Update from Linda and Jim in Idaho
My husband continues to be in the hospital receiving platelet transfusions, blood transfusions, and Nupogen injections. His counts are going down, not up after 8 days of hospitalization with transfusions, plasma, hydration, and more. Food is of no interest and they are going to start with IV nutrition. He will be getting…
update on my dad
Hi everyone ! Just wanted to update on how our appointment went this morning. Well the chemo/radiation shrunk the tumor to a very small size. which was good. but he is still having bleeding issue's so dr not certain at this point it is coming from the tumor. Found a lesion on his lung and said it was too small to tell if…
The Holidays
Hi everyone, I know it has been a while since I have posted anything...and many new people on here that I don't know...but do understand your journey. It has been 5 months since my Prince, Lyle, went to be with the Lord. I thought I was doing ok in the beginning...but I find now that I am having meltdowns on a more…
update on my date-today is a special day
I posted about a week ago about what to do for my dad. Tonight he is being honored with a special surprise lifetime achievement award from the city for his 40 years of volunteerism. Thankfully he is going to be able to attend! I'm worried the surprise from over 100 family and friends showing up is going to give him a heart…
Update on SallyB
Thank you all for your prayers. They have helped me so much. Because we were full-time RVers for the past 7 years, I am more mobile than most folks. I have never driven the truck AND 5th wheel, so that has been a concern for me. Wonderful friends came to San Antonio and moved me to the Rio Grande Valley where we have spent…
IMC-1121B (also known as ramucirumab) clinical trial information
As most of you know my almost 79 year old father was told that the chemo is not working and there isn’t much else that can be done at this point to treat his now Stage IV EC (w mets to the liver) and he has months to live. My father decided he didn't really like that answer and wasn’t ready to discontinue treatment if he…
Failed non-invasive treatment now face esophgectomy
I am a 63 year old male diagnosed by a biopsy during routine endoscopic monitoring for Reflux Disease with esophageal cancer. This was May of 2009. By August, 2009 I had extensive evaluations at MD Anderson in Houston (Endoscopic ultrasound and biopsies, blood evaluations, CT, PET) and was "staged" as I-a (very superficial…
New Member from Northern California
My father, age 67, was just diagnosed after a scope, then a biopsy with EC. PET scan in 2 days. Initial recommendation was surgery, but right now we don't know if that will be before or after chemo and/or radiation. Does any member out there have experience with UCDavis or UCSF? Dr. Nguyen's name has come up repeatedly,…
High tumor markers
Hi all, Well, it looks like my hubby's cancer is back :( He was diagnosed a year ago last Aug '09. He had chemo and radiation prior to his surgery last Dec.'09. He had chemo following surgery -- after he healed from C-diff which he contracted it from UCLA. He has only been off chemo for 7 months and his last blood work…
EC now spread to bones
My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 EC in July, 2010. Radiation was very successful and after only being able to live on Ensure he can now eat anything. He had no surgery, just radiation and ciplatin and 5FU. This week he had his second PET/CT with the news that the esophagus has improved, no major organs have been…
How do I get muliple docs to get stories straight??
I think all survivors and caregivers should get together and write a book on how frustrating it is to deal with muliple doctors. Geeeez It amazes me how one man and one PET scan can have so many results!!...Everytime I hear results from the scan, I learn new things. Everywhere from, not a surgical candidate and never will…
Husband Hospitalized pro-time high
Jim is in the hospital getting hydration and glucose, as well as plasma and Vitamin K. His protime for his Cumadin was very high and he was bleeding out. He was coughing up blood and bleeding from the nose, along with all of the other symptoms. He is resting now and they will continue to monitor his progress. I am hoping…