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Esophageal Cancer
Archives for November 2010
Discussion List
Just learning
Well my brother has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma esophageal cancer. They are not sure if it is stage 2 or 3 until after the PET scan tomorrow. (though they said his lymph nodes were inlarged but could not get to them to take a biopsy) He is 52 years old and already is dealing with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. They…
Good scan results!
Hi Everybody, As some of you may know I was dx Stage 4b EC on 7/27/10. Since then I have been thankful for this wonderful discussion board and the friends I have met through it. I just want to share some good news. Yesterday my scan results showed a 10% reduction in the tumor size, no further spread, and I also gained 4…
Difficult Days
I must begin this by saying that I so admire all of you that are fighting this EC battle, and the caregivers/spouses/daughters/sons/friends. Our battle started September 6th with the words, "You have Barrett's disease and a malignant tumor in your esophagus." I feel like I have watched the love of my life, my husband Jim,…
Where do we go from here with my dad?
Hello all, I appreciate all of your input these last 3 months. It seems my dad's journey is getting closer to the end as he is getting weaker and more ill by the day. I need help in knowing what to expect. I'll bring you up to speed. July 16 he was dx EC lVb with a small hot spot met on his liver and pretty much has gone…
Experimental Drug/treatment for Esophycas and stomach cancer
My dad has esophycas and stomach cancer. We had 4 sessions of chemo prior to drastic surgery. They have removed 3/4 of esophycas and 1/4 of stomach + 22 lynph nodes. A month after the surgery and on 1st day of chemo, we found out that the cancer is back on his neck, lungs, and some chest lynph nodes. We are truly devasted…