new discussion board
A new discussion board is available to report and discuss technical problems. Please give it a try. It is the last discussion board listed on the page with all the boards, please bookmark it for future use. The URL is http://csn.cancer.org/forum/200. Best, Greta aka Your CSN staff
New Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis
Hello to all, I have recently been diagnosised with Thyroid Cancer. My surgery will be in two weeks. Could someone that had surgery to remove their thyroid tell me what the recover time line was? How long before you could go back to work comfortably, I have a sit down job. Also how long before they start the radioactive…
TT Post Op - Tingling in Hands/Arms/Feet
Had TT surgery 5-28-13 (Diag. w/Papillary cancer), exper. many complications (nerve damage, inability to speak above a whisper, and extreme fatigue). My Dr. has checked my calcium levels 3 different times and yet I am still experiencing muscle spasms, tingling of hands/arms/feet/face (was placed on Calcium pills w/Vitamin…