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Skin Cancer
Archives for October 2012
Discussion List
new short film on cancer - looking for stories for next film
I am from the colon cancer group but want to post this : PSA on Early Detection for colon cancer ... the next one will be on diet & alternative therapy during remission. If anyone has a story to share, please message me. I want to keep making these videos…
Stage 3C Nodular Melanoma Treatments
I am looking for any bit of guidance and am so grateful for any responses. My cousin was diagnosed with stage 3C Nodular Melanoma a month ago. He went to his primary to have an infected mole on his neck looked at as was misdiagnosed for about a month and a half before the primary burned off the area and had it biopsied. A…
Newly diagnosed: questions to ask doctor
My father has recently been diagnosed with Melanoma...unsure what stage it is at this point. Dermatologist determined that the biopsy showed that the cancer has entered his bloodstream and may have traveled to the lymph nodes. He been referred to general surgeon for further evaluation. Can anyone suggest good questions to…
getting care
I was wondering if there are any ideas on what to do if you are uninsured and have no savings or resources. I was recently diagnosed with skin cancer. It is basal cell carcinoma so from what the doctor who diagnosed it says it's not that bad. I'm not sure how long I can let it go while I try to figure finances out. The doc…
someone please help
my husband got diagnosed with braf mutation melanoma in july he has aproxamitly 25 internal. he is currently a trial patient on the lgx818 drug 450 milagram a day, when he first started he was on 550 milagram a day. is there anyone that has been on this trial drug to give me some feedback on side affects. last pet scan has…