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Lung Cancer
Archives for December 2017
Discussion List
lung nodule...what to do?
Let me start the saying I'm new to the site, but wishing I'd really found it sooner. Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself I'm 54 years old with the history of thyroid cancer in 2003. During that same time my father was discovered to have multiple myeloma and was in the hospital 2 months before passing…
Please help,need guidance, advice, opinions, anything
Where to start, this is such a complicated and long story. My mother, my best friend, my absolute everything was given four months to live yesterday with radiation on treatments on brain. The last several years I've watched this women suffer and be put thru hell and she has fought and fought! My mom is 63 years old. In…
Lung cancer paranoia
Okay so, I'd just like to start out by saying I'm new here and going out of my mind. I don't know where to begin, nor which forum to go to before actually going to see a doctor about it, so I just went here because it was recommended to me. Simply put, I'm worried about cancer. I'm a 19 year old male, with no previous…
What can be done for people with PD1 Negative tumors??
Hello everyone, my mother was diagonsed with Stage 4 NSCLC back in October... She did 6 treatments of Radiation (5 on her pelvic tumor, and 1 on her knee) and 2 heavy doesages of Taxo/Carbo The results came back, and her tumors have grown, so now we're on the 2nd line treatment of Avastin/Vinorelbine We asked if we could…
A question about lung cancer
First of all my prayers and heart goes out to everyone battling this monster...I have recently been diagnosed with prostrate cancer. And am going to have it remover’s in the beginning stages thank my lucky stars for that.. my father had prostate cancer and now I have father seemed to over come prostrate…
My mother won't go to seek help
My mother is in her early to mid sixties. My brother told me 3 weeks ago that my mother had found what is an emergency room doctor thinks is a cancerous nodule in her lung. This happened back in September. My mother was coughing up blood and my niece family convinced her to go to the emergency room. My other two sisters…
Medicine or disease? Please help
My mother has Stage 3 lung cancer (Non-small cell carcinoma). Tumor started griwing into spine (T1 and T2) over the summer and caused radiating shoulder pain. Oncologist prescribed steroid - Decadron - 4x a day. She immediately experienced short- term memory loss and he said to ignore it as it was relieving pain (I…
Lung Cancer as a secondary Cancer
Hello, A little about my story... I'm a 63 year old male and have been in pretty good health until I hit about 56. At that time I came down with Trigeminal Neuralgia but that's a Neuro issue so not applicable here. Due to some changes in my health insurance recently, I had to change to a new Primary Care Physician. During…
My aunt has cancer and is rapidly losing weight
My aunt was recently diagnosed with stage 3A lung cancer. She has just started radiation and chemo. She recently moved in with me and my family because the hospital she is recieving treatment at is right up the street from my house. She is constantly sick (as to be expected) but she won't eat anything at all. I think she…