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Long-Term Effects of Treatment
Archives for January 2009
Discussion List
Managing late effects of treatment
As far as I can tell this category has not been visited for some time. IN light of that I thought I would start another thread at risk of bad form for this site: I am a 49 ish male who found myself here looking to understand some things going on with myself. As any story needs, a beggining: At the age 18 I had an acute…
Need info
I've been started on Oxiliplatin and have read many blogs about the side effects, especially long term effects. Is there anyone that can tell me where to find research or anything that can tell me if the effects could be permanent? Thank ou for your help.
Long term effects after brain tumor removal
I posted this in the Brain tumor section but it might belong here: I am just curious as to other suvivors stories, I had my tumor( grade 3 astrocytoma right frontal lobe) removed in 1993( 18 years old) and went thru 6 weeks of Radiation and a years worth of Chemo. I am 34 now and I have always felt run down. I have some…
Has anyone developed gout far after treatments?
Looks like this is what I am looking at now, gout, or so the facts are starting to suggest. Just what I need a whole other set of physical issues and corresponding treatments and 'shoulds and should nots'. Dang. It is one of the most, if not the most, painful form of arthritis apparently and I can attest to part of that.…
Periosteum Burn after radiation
Just wondering if anyone has had this experience. I finished radiation treatments the first week of August '08 after a mastectomy. I still have a few spots that hurt...nothing really helps. I've tried large doses of motrin, ice, exercise, swimming, physical therapy to break up the scar tissue adhesions. Just two weeks…
Horrible coloured teeth
Hi, i went through breast cancer surgery, chemo and rads...........i finished all that stuff in sept... Since then my teeth have got well darker, I brush with pearl drops 3 times a day (even tho it tastes like hell) But,,, OK I know I am a Limey and we are meant to have horrible teeth....LOL But up until 6 months ago, mine…
Has anyone been on steriods too long. I have been on them for months now and everytime I try to wean off I get some crazy side effect and have to start all over. Any info would be great.
Dizzy spells
Hi, me again.... After I finished Chemo and rads I started getting the 'Odd dizzy spell' I just put it down to chemo brain. But now, the chemo brain is not anywhere near as bad as it was but the dizzy spells/headaches and nausea are getting much worse. Started of with this for probably 15 minutes once a month. Now I am…