Father finished treatments two weeks ago, and now bloodclot in left calf...
hello everyone out there, my father recently finished his chemo/radiation treatments the week of june 14 for stage iv tongue cancer, started floor of mouth.. i took him for his weekly checkup with radiation nurse and he was complaining of some leg pain so they sent him for a scan, found a small clot and admitted him for…
Good Morning. I would like to thank everybody that are replying to my posts, as you are helping me with my questions so much. Today, is a beautiful day here in Down Eastern North Carolina. Just beautiful, and we are having a family cookout today that is on my bucket list before I start Radiation next week on July 13th--YEA…
Half way home
Hi Folks, Sorry I haven't been on the past 2 weeks, as it turns out the internet server here was blocking this website (and a few others) inadvertently. After finally figuring out the problem was not with my computer, it was easily rectified. I am almost at the 1/2 way point in my treatment: 3 weeks of 7 RAD is complete…
Squmous cell cancer of cervical node with primary occult tumor
Well, I am relatively new to this site, and it has been the best place for me to find out what I have in front of me. Many of you have replied to my questions, and I appreciate the honesty in the answers. I have one in regards to my chemo, and that is Cisplatin. I am haveing radiaton 5 times a week for 7 weeks, and…
Don't understand?
My Radiation ended last Monday and I had my last chemo dose on Wednesday and I still feel like like ****! Don't seem to be getting better; just weaker. maybe it's the chemo it's only been 4 days. I'm scared!!! I'm so, so tired of this! Please tell me that it will get better soon! :( Charles
Neck is feels thick and not getting much air
My neck recently had a trach tube tacken out of it...2 weeks, the gave me oxycodonde, but have read due to the pain the meds may cause your breathing to be shalloer and harder, please let me know, feels like i'm being chocked, lay of the drugs for eight hours and see. thanks guys, I am slao taking hyberberica treaments,…
happy holidays to everyone!
I hope everyone have a wonderfull and blessed fourth of july God bless you all.
Chefdaddy, please post so we know you're ok, please
Mike, I know you are still very tired but we haven't heard anything on you in some time and we are extremely worried. If you are able, please just post "OK" so we know that you're still getting on and hopefully that you're doing ok. God bless you friend!! debbie
This one will suprise you!!!!! & Proton Thearpy
I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with stage 3 tonsil cancer with one lymp 2.7 in the right neck. (proballoy 3cm now) I have been to 2 each, ent, oncologist for opionons. For the record, they tried to remove tonisl but was not able to successfully do so. The tonsil is very small and lodged way back in my throat. Major…
weight loss
I am 30 or so pounds overweitht, and can stand to lose that and not hurt my stamina and strength. My Radiatin Nurse told me to expect to lose 30 to 40 pounds. She told me to eat everything, and anything that I wanted now to put weight on. She said the weight loss is to be expected. Then a Rep from a Health Care company…
"Grossly Normal"? - PET Mostly Clean
Add another to the "three months out" club. Got my results today. Started late October 2009 with base of tongue stage IV - two nodes involved, one huge, one slightly enlarged. Did Induction Chemo, then rads with concurrent chemo. Tongue is clean now (per CT and PET - "no significant activity"). Formerly huge node is a…
Long Term Survivor Rates
Hey Everybody Larry (Cajun) was asking for a reference on long term survivor rates. The National Cancer Institute has a publication from 2001. NCI SEER (Survelliance, Epidemology, and End Results program). Easily found if you google the title. Chalpter 2 is on Head and Neck and has a lot of statistics, based on sex, race,…
Question- False Negatives and Positives
Hi there My wifes PET CT (4 months after a second partial larengectomy and 5 months after lung lumbectomy) came back clean and a mass of a previouse PETCT shrunk almost completely to 0.3 inches. but with no pathology lighting up there. So this is considered a reaon to be happy. 1.However there is a nodule about 0.2 inch on…
First Visit with ENT
My dad has his first follow up visit with the ENT on Tuesday. Please keep us in your prayers that all goes well. I am a little worried trying not to get too worked up. Kathy
No evidence of disease
I toyed around with toying around with anyone who is interested in this news but decided that I am too grateful for all the amazing people in my life who have gone out of their way to tell and show me they care to mess around like that. Dr "Hee Hee" Lee, Doc Nuke 'Em, the radiation oncologist called and said of Monday's…
3 month PET scan is CLEAN
3month pet scan is clean. Initially, muscles near the Right hip lit up, but it was determined the inflammation is from me falling down (pulling out shrubs) a few days ago. So good to go!!