Looking Ahead
I am five days past my rectal resection surgery and slowly, but steadily, regaining my mojo. Instead of focusing, dissecting, analyzing, fixating on the present, and some of its unpleasantries, I prefer to look ahead to the next event in this cancer challenge - mop up chemo. My oncologist told me that he recommends six…
Looks Like It Is Back
Not a happy scan at all. Was my mistake, I was actually thinking I was going to have a clean scan. Still hoping some other causes for what showed up. Maybe something not mentioned in all the other reports but was there (benign nodule anyone?) and that lymph nodes, which often are the ones where mets go, is just infection.…
Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Tumor removed?
Has anyone have Stage 4 Colon Cancer and had their main tumor removed prior or after chemo? Our oncologist keeps on saying no on the surgery without really explaining the reason. So not sure if it's really medically no good or if it has to deal with hospital "politics/insurance/statistics"?
Lonsurf - Anyone used it before?
My mom was recommended Lonsurf pills. We've been on 5Fu, Oxaliplatin, Leucovorin, Irinotecan, Avastin. I've done some research on the pro/con of it and challenged my oncologist about it and they said that it's their last chemo med that they have to offer. Then they recommend mom go to clinical trials at Memorial Sloan…
A message from Lizard (Grace)
Grace has aksed if I would pass on a message of thanks to all of you, for your thoughts, good wishes and prayers. She is still in the hospital, of course, and doesn't have the password to get into her CSN account. She has read your sweet messages, and is so grateful. Tru
Avastin and pancreatitis?
i found some vague findings pointing to it, that's what my husband seems to have right now. They originally thought intestinal infection but his lipase and amylase numbers doubled in 12 hours. Staying in the hospital tonight, IV antibiotics,
Thinking of you JanJan
Its been a while since your last post, so you've got to know we worry. Here's a little something to brighten your day Tru
One treatment and my husband is in the ER
he is having severe stomach pains, he was trying to pass it off as just gas but it became very obvious he was in horrible pain. He wasn't throwing up, did not have a fever, and was able to go to the bathroom, so I have no clue. He is almost a week out from the first infusion day. Honestly all the meds list side effects…
Side effects or something else
* Hi everyone. My mom has stage 4 colon cancer with mets to liver and possible omental involvement. She had her second cycle of folfiri and erbitux. She's in severe pain. Abdominal pain and also generalized body aches and bone pains. Shes very lethargic. And says her heart is sinking. Anyone else experience this?
10 the Folfox 5FU tomorrow
Hi All, Been a while since my last posting. Tomorrow I will be receiving my 10th of 12 Folfox 5FU treatments, for my Stage 3 C Colon Cancer. Met with oncology doctor this morning. Based upon the information shared with the doctor about side effects from treatment #9, it was decided to lower the Oxi by 35%. I have been very…
6 Year Lifeaversary
Since this is my asurvivor anniversary I thought I would share some thoughts. 6 years ago today I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I heard the words "you have cancer" for the first time. I have "survived" 6 years. My life has been changed forever by those 3 words. Unfortunately I heard "your cancer is back" 26…
New to Board stage 4 Colon Cancer
Hello, I wanted to introduce myself as I am new to the board. I am 42 and this year was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with met to the liver. I found out by going to the ER for adbominal pain and they found a spot on my liver during ct scan. I found out I had cancer and I was in absolute shock. I had no symptoms, felt…
I am a new member who is one year out of treatment. I just found out today that I have developed CML, which is a chronic form of leukemia. It is apparently easy to manage and treat but it just kind of discourages me because I thought once I took care of the colon cancer, I would be NED. I will be posting in the Leukemia…
My DH took his 6th Chemo today. half way to twelve.......twice a month home with 26hour 5fu at home. Our routine is go to prompt care in the back to get need back in port sometimes bloodwork. Then talk Onocologist . He starts out with how are you an seens to hit on the negitives more than uplifting...which I AM AWEAROF THE…
Jim (airborne72) and Grace (lizard44)
I think you both have surgeries tomorrow, I wanted to wish you both well and let you know I will be thinking about you both. Here is to a successful, uneventful surgery, with a quick recovery for you both!
i can't seem to find any direct answers to this, so I was hoping someone here could. Husband had his first treatment Thursday, disconnect around 4 Saturday, followed by neulasta shot. He got Folfox with Irinotecan and avastin so I know first treatment is probably the easiest but when are side effects the worst? I thought…
Xeloda High Deductible
I was just prescribed Xeloda and my pharmacy is saying that I have to $400.00 deductible. Is this possible that for a cancer medication I have to pay such a high deductible??? Does anyone have to pay this much? What are we supposed to do? Dont take it and die??
How is it when taking your port out?
This coming Tuesday will be my last infusion on folfox 5fu. Then they'll take the pump out on Thursday. I had a blood test last Friday, and so I had a chance to talk to My onc. My onc told me I will have the schedule lined up...first is my port, I will finally get rid of it in 3 weeks after my last infusion!! I asked her…
Stage VI Mets to bronchi middle of chest.
Hi new here. Stage VI with Mets to my bronchial tube. Great big middle one. Thank God for all you people here.
life expectancy?
What have others discussed with their doctor about life expectancy and colon cancer? Did your doctor share survival odds or stats? Would you like to know what the odds are but need some help?
Ozone Therapy
I wonder anybody had Ozone therapy for advanced colon cancer. I appreciate for any feedback I will also do some research about it. I never had Ozone therapy but came out on the internet.
poor hubby has the worst case of hiccups, thankfully from old posts I searched on here I know it's a side effect. Just waiting for them to call back with what they are going to do. He is On Folfiri chemo with avastin. They pumped him full of zofran so who knows which thing is doing it, he is taking in stride. It's making…
PET scan / Cancer spread to other parts of the body?
Anyone's oncologist refuse to order the PET scan? Stage 3 rectal caner in 2015...clear CT scans since then. Now elevated CEA levels..I want a PET scan and oncologist says they are of no value. She explained that if the type of cancer I have was to spread, it would spread in the chest, pelvis, abdomen area...has anyone had…
Dealing with a fistula
I'm new here and hoping to find someone who has had a similar experience and possibly some suggestions. My 54 year old husband was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in early August. It's very advanced. He had a colonstomy and exploratory surgery with biopsies right away. Of course, he's had CAT & PET scans. There is a…
Well, after three more months of Folfox with Cyramza, I had a PET scan yesterday and the great news is that I am NED.....again. We begin targeted Cyramza as a maintenance chemo tomorrow for at least one year with the hopes that it will kill any potential microscopic cells that may remain. Wahoo, any good news is always…
Xeloda (maintenace pills)
My husband is done with chemo and now he will be put on Xeloda. These are maintenance pills. Can anyone tell me their experience with Xeloda? Do the also keep killing the tumor?
Melatonin and useless nutritionist
my husband is at his first chemo, they asked what supplements I was giving him and immediately I knew the nutrionist was going to get testy. She told him not to take vitamin C, COQ10 and melatonin 2 days before until two days after chemo. Every single study I have read says melatonin helps reduce side effects and makes the…
I'm assuming you had your surgery already, so if you are able to respond to this message when you get a chance to let us know how you are doing it would be wonderful. I'm praying and hopeful that the surgery went well and you will have a speedy recovery. It's going to be difficult at first to get used the the new normal,…
Does stress cause vomiting?
I'm curious if I'm the only one in this boat. Even now, if I get stressed enough I can end up singing to the porcelain god. It wasn't like that before this started. If anything, if I got stressed I'd end up eating more but never got sick like this. If this is common, is it permenant or does it pass with time?
results of ct scans post treatment
Hi all, My husband just had his last folfox "mop up" chemo for his rectal cancer on Sept 15th. He had chest and abdomen ct scans done 1 1/2 weeks later. Everything looked good except for a very small spot on his liver that the doctor does not think is anything, maybe even a shadow. It is too small to biopsy so he will have…