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Archives for February 2018
Discussion List
23 years old taking care of boyfriend. No support.
Hi, I’m feeling very frustrated and alone as I support my boyfriend through cancer. I got back from a trip and told him I didn’t want to continue the relationship for personal reasons, but then he told me he got diagnosed with cancer & has no one to help him out so I stayed in the relationship. His family has completely…
Some solutions for caregivers
I work full time and am taking care of my 78 year old mother w/stage 4 cancer. I feel like a tornado has picked me up, spun me around and slammed me into building after building. It's very difficult and I'm trying to make the best of things. I just wanted to share a few short cuts that made my life easier thus far: Google…
Anger & Extreme Negativity Towards Caregivers
Where to start! My brother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last October and since then things have not gone well. The cancer did not respond to chemo and instead spread to his abdominal cavity and lungs, meaning it's inoperable. In January he was told he probably has two years with chemo to prolong his life, which was…
My 73 year old brother called me last week to tell me, in a very matter of fact tone, that he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. And that he's not able to get radiation and/or chemo. Since our parents passed away, it's just the two of us left. His doctor has told him that he'd be confident in making plans 6…
Relate to others
I have read some of the various post on this forum and am so grateful to know know that others are going through the ups and down of this caregiving process. I knew it in my head but so nice to actually read others posts that I can actually relate to. I was at my wit's end last week, the stress was almost unbearable I…