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Archives for November 2015
Discussion List
My husband has a rare stage 4 lung cancer
In the beginning of the year I lost my job and June my husband (my love of my life) was diagnosed with a rare lung cancer and it's at stage 4. It's an aggressive and has spread. He has been in and out of the hospital and at times things got so bad that I thought I would lose him. But Thank God He Is Still With us. He has…
Rock Bottom in a Long Distance Love With Stage IV Bowel Cancer
Having searched for months, I'm relieved to finally find this safe place. I'm looking to share how broken I am in my relationship. I have been in an loving LDR with a lovely man for 2 years. My soul mate. A year ago he was diagnosed with Stage IV bowel cancer, and has been having palliative chemo. This has recently been…
How do we combat guilt?
My brother was admitted to the hospital in September because of some difficult symptoms. He had begun to lose the use of his left side and was falling more than we realized. He wasn't able to get himself into the bathroom in time and had some accidents. At that point he had been living in an in-law apartment at my parents…
My wife has a clear diagnosis-leiomyosarcoma. Rare form of smooth muscle cancer. PET scan reveals widespread metastasis. We are headed to Stanford Wednesday.
I don't know what I am--just fried
I read your stories and feel guilty for even complaining. I don't know what's wrong with me. My husband has Stage 2 Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma and a very good prognosis. He has a great attitude and has been appreciative of the things I've done for him. However I feel like I am coming apart at the seems. My house seems…
Hi-sorry to make this all about me, I know there are so many people that are struggling. It's starting to come back, the memories I thought I'd forgottan. What is frustrating me is that we have to wait a week before my wifes liver biopsy before she can even get an appointmet with an oncologist. Feels as if it may as well…
I'm back and in shock
Hello-its been awhile. Joined here back in 2009 when my first wife was dealing with stage 4 colon cancer. She died in 2010. I remarried in 2012 and life was starting over in a good way. Last few months my wife started complaining of abdominal/back pain and the past few weeks intense pain under right breast. A CT scan…
Is God preparing us?
I lost a coworker that was 51 to cancer last week. Lately I have been feeling like God is preparing us for the inevitable. We have recently decided my husband should go from short term disability to Long term and not return to work. I am taking 3 weeks off in December and we are going on a 1 week cruise (me and hubby only)…
Another new Caregiver needing help
My wife is 71. She went through pancreatic cancer surgery about two years ago. We had almost 2 years of good living. Now, it is back and has spread to her ovaries and maybe elsewhere. Stage four, metastatic pancreatic caner, not good. I have her at home, and take her for chemo once a week. She also suffers from dementia,…
I am a new care giver
I am mel, my mother has stage 3 uterine cancer. We found out a month ago. She is 2 weeks out to the end of her radiation Then We do another CTscan and see if the tumor shrunk enough to do surgery. I am new to all this and would love any pointers and support. She is responding well to treatment but this waiting is driving…