So jealous !
I've been reading about all of you California Girls getting together and it makes me jealous... that so many of you are so close together. Feeling all alone here in Indiana ... :-( Enjoy your get-together ... hugs. teena
Side effects of tamoxaphin, bone pain
Hi everyone, I have a question for everyone. Have any of you had side effects of bone pain, joint pain after taking tamoxaphin for post treatment for estrogen positive cancers???
Input please.....
I had right breast mastectomy with several lymph nodes removed. That was in August 2008. I am right handed and so that has always been my dominant side. When I tried raking the yard, I had trouble, both with strength and also with pain and tightness in my chest muscles and my arm on that side. Finally gave up after a few…
Dental work and Boniva
Has anyone had major dental work - crowns, bridgework, etc. while taking Boniva? I see these procedures in my crystal ball. Lynn
Port-a-Cath or not???
I hope someone can help me decide whether or not I need to have a porto implanted. I will soon have to start on 4 months of chemo (every 2 weeks) and 1 year of Herceptin (every week). I am afraid my veins won't hold out on that many IV's as only my right arm can be tapped. On the other hand I read some scarry things about…
First radiation treatment today
Hello friends and sisters, I'm having my first radiation treatment this afternoon. The first one will take about an hour; subsequently they should only take a few minutes. Any advice on what to expect for this first one? Any words of wisdom for me? Other than that, things are going great. It's funny how quickly one returns…
Bfbear/Debi..Wishing you the best of luck!
Debi, I wanted to wish you good luck on your surgery this Wednesday. My thoughts and prayers will be with you! I know you are busy with pre-op stuff, but, just wanted to send you my best and let you know that I am thinking about you. Everything will be fine! Jeanne
puffy eyelids
My upper eyelids started to retain water and get very puffy after my third AC treatment and my eyes water like heck. I have finished my last AC treatment on 4/21 and will be starting Taxol w/Herceptin 5/7. My question is if others have had this and how long it lasts. I have been to the onc and she said for me to see my eye…
Here is a bit of information I received after reconstruction surgery on Thursday.
wanted to show off my "2 year anniv" tattoo
Hi all, figured I could show off my tattoo this way. Love dragonflies, wanted to incorporate the pink ribbon, and my friend and I came up with this design. Tell me what you think! Love to all of you(regardless of your opinion, my mom HATES it)! Cat
Just wanted to say thank you....
Everyone on here has been so wonderfull and suportive. I just want to thank everyone that has welcomed me. It took me so long to get on this and stop pretending that I was not sick. I didnt want to talk about it with anyone. I just wanted to act like I was normal and not going through all this fun stuff :) Anyways agian…
my recovery
My first time here. I had a bilateral mastectomy 2/20 with extender implant reconstruction. (see I don't even know all the acronyms or initials yet). Anyway I have an extremely stressful job and just went back the 2nd week of April. I have been having the reconstruction injections since then also. Kind of fasinating to…
too much stress lately!
we have been going through this for three months. YUK! my husband finally got a second opinion at lahey clinic about his high psa (prostate), after his local doc told him it had gone to 18, normal is 2-5, and that he probably had prostate cancer.so he did a biopsy which he said came back negative but would not do a repeat…
welcome to Dr Susan Hardwicke
Welcome Dr. Susan Hardwick to this site and I am sure your person experience will help us just as much as everyone elses. It would be helpful to all if you started your own string so you can introduce yourself with your experience so others can get to know you. Please include your websites so others can get some answers.…
What to do Lumpectomy or Mastectomy
Hi, I am new to this, On April 15 I was told I had Cancer. Saw a team of doctors yesterday. All very nice and full of information. I have to have a MRI this week and doctor said if all is good with that,then a lumpectomy is what she would do. She said if I want a Mastectomy she would do that, but only my right breast. She…
update on ohilly's hair/no more obsession
Okay, this is really strange: but after months of obsessing about my hair growing back thin, I totally am at peace and don't really care anymore! Is this weird or what? I think the reason is because I finally accepted my 'new normal.'(it also helped that I got a great new stylist). I don't know: has anyone else experienced…
Little known facts pertaining to Post Reconstruction
Well now that I am more alert I have been reading the material the surgeon gave me and I came upon some information I was unaware of. Apparently when you have implants put in you will most likely hear sloshing in the area of the implant. This is antibiotic solution that is left behind to protect the implant. Let me tell…
How does RSS work
Hi, I was hoping that RSS feed would help me follow strands. But I don't understand how it works. Help. Thanks. Lynn
May 5, big day on my 'other' cancer.....
It was in 2005. Bowel resection. LAST treatment for my rectal cancer... 4 years NED (on the colon) I'm DANCING!!! (it will be 3 years in July NED on the breast cancer...and I'll dance again! ROFL) Hugs, Kathi
Hello sisters !
Just wanted to tell you sorry. i have been pretty depressed lately, and i'm sure my posts reflected that. I want to tell you all.. it is worth it!!!I finally started feeling better yesterday, I had an unexpected turn of events, first i was told i would be on a hormone inhibeter for 5 years, and researched all of this and…
The ADA (American Disabilities Act) & Cancer
Aloha from Hawaii, Anne is a cancer survivor for ten years now. She is under going treatment again. Anne has been on Hormone treatment for about 4 months now but it looks like her counts are going up and she might have to do chemo again.She'll have to get a port again because the nurses said her veins wouldn't be able to…
Phoenixrising,where are you?
Phoenixrising, Where are you? Havn't seen you around in a while.I miss you! Love,Patty P. S. How are you?
I hate the waiting. My dr. has consulted with his associate and decided not to do the biopsy of 1 of the nodes in my lung but instead going to go thru the throat with a scope. I guess they're more concerned with the suspicious mass. I go in on Wednesday. Couldn't sleep last night. Bundle of nerves, and head spinning. Joanne
Feeling depressed
My one and only support system that has been my mom throughout my entire cancer experience has been strained. She has been available for all the doctor's appointments, surgeries, and driving me to all the plastic surgeon appointments. She has got to a point where she can no longer hear me talk to her about anything to do…
YAHOO! Just got the report after my total hysterectomy (because I am BRCA positive), and they couldn't find evidence of disease---and believe me, they looked EVERYWHERE!LOL! After last years BC diagnosis, mastectomy,chemo and radiation, I was really ready for something positive, or should I say negative? Couldn't think of…
You Won't believe this!
I got my first pack of 'Drinking Vouchers' (Wages) tonight, a lot more than I was expecting! I told her: "Wow I didn't think it would be this much"...she said.."OK My Mistake, hand it over and I'll take half back!" Am having an absolutely great time working, I really fell on my feet here..And she is just so happy with me,…
"I am ALIVE" posts
I just LOVE seeing you girls and guys post your "ALIVE" messages. Something good came out of that whole mess after all.
Rena is Alive and feeling quite joyful!
Hello all my dear friends, well I must tell you I thought of all of you while I laid on that gurney waiting to be sliced and diced. I had a wonderful surgical team that were understanding of my lymphdema problem and very accommodating. To say I posed special challenges for them is an understatement. They had to figure our…
A Movie and a Poem....
I posted a few threads ago about a wonderful, EMPOWERING, online movie~ it is only about 3 minutes long, and I highly recommend it to all of us here on the boards! It does not preach (not everyone welcomes preaching) it is apolitical, and well, just a forceful reminder of who we are~ and who we are NOT! It may be just the…