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Bladder Cancer
Archives for November 2009
Discussion List
Dad considering Neobladder
My dad is 71 and has recurring bladder cancer after several bouts with BCG and Interferon....keeps coming back. His Dr at the University Hosp in Charleston SC is supposedly a leading urologist specializing in Neo's. I'd really like to connect him with others that have had the same procedure so he can get a realistic idea…
Hi, Wondering if anyone more recent can elaborate on symptoms. Last string I found was from 2003. I am having workup, but have burning in lower abdomen (more periumbilical, above level of bladder). Also urine stream has slowed and have to push harder to get urine out. When it seems I have finished urinating, I bend over or…
Who are the top doctors/surgeons
My husband was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. Urologist is recommending bladder removal and neo bladder, however he has only done 2 this year. I have been searching with no success for information on who does these procedures with regularity, where to go and who to see. Any suggestions out there?
so many decisions to make
I am a 42 yr old woman and was recently diagnosed with stage 3 bladder cancer. It is all happening so fast. I would like to hear from some people that have had MVAC Chemo followed by cystectomy. My dad and an uncle also had stage 3 bladder cancer and had the cystectomy immediately following diagnosis and neither one of…
A Victory for Hyperthermia in Bladder Cancer
There was another victory for the use of regional deep hyperthermia in the treatment of cancer. The latest victory occurred in the treatment of high-risk bladder cancer. Heat treatment, delivered via the BSD 2000 machine, improved such patients' five-year survival rate from 67 to 80 percent.he local tumor control rate went…
Tumor Markers
I have terminal GI and bladder cancer. I had surgery and have just completed 8 months of chemo, gemcitabine, carboplatin and erbitux. My tumor markers have decreased all through my chemo treatments. This week (after my last chemo) I had new tumor markers and a PET scan. My ovarian, pancreatic and GI markers have all…
Seeking others experience with BCG treatments
I have Stage 1 high grade bladder cancer and am scheduled to begin BCG treatments next week. Wanted to hear from others on this site their experiences. Trying to be prepared for what to expect. Thanks in advance.