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Anal Cancer
Archives for January 2010
Discussion List
MRI in the AM
Well the first test to see EXACTLY where my liver met is, is tomorrow AM. I am so hopeful that they will find that they can get to the met and remove it. Of course the coolest thing would be if they did the MRI and the met was gone!!! A gal can hope, right? Blessings to all, Joanne
Squamous carcinoma
Hi folks. I am here to post to get some information for a friend. She was just diagnosed with a squamous anal carcinoma. I know that these are usually an adenoma, but her's was caused by a botched surgery many years ago, so this sort of cancer in this location is rare. She is in the very early stages of investigation (CT &…
Unsolicited Advice
Thank you to all who have joined us here. I want to seize this opportunity to share my thoughts on allowing ourselves to slip back into the old "norm" post treatment. When I was first dx'd I immediately assessed how unhealthy my lifestyle was. Overweight, lack of exercise, too much stress, not enough rest, etc. I am sure…
Interesting Article
I found this article while googling my doctor's names. I wanted to share it with others. Here's the link: Liz
A Place For Us
Hello everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to be the first to post on the new Anal Cancer Discussion Board. I have been posting on the colo-rectal board for a couple of months now and find that they are an awesome group of people to be connected with. While there are similarities for all of us fighting or caring…