Melanoma vulvar cancer?
I am a 22 year old mother (turning 23 shortly) and I had to go to the doctors because I had a miscarriage in march and haven't had my period for months. (not pregnant) I have gained about 10-15 pounds and can't lose the weight. I went in to the doctors, had my exam, Cant tell me why I don't have my period. Had 2 ultra…
Cancers and Threat of It???
Does the HPV cause cervical cancer?? I was just wondering. I don't know what to look for if I should ever get cancer. I have had one cyst at a time all at least 5 cm but went away on its own. I have had one to burst on me and I think that was 6 cm. I have pain almost all of the time and it is worse during my menstral…
endometrial cancer...after effects after radiation?
I just had my hysterectomy 31/2 weeks ago. I had endometrial cancer. According to my lab results after my surgery...the cancer cells had not penetrated my uterine wall. Radiation therapy has been suggested as a follow-up...just in case there are any cancer cells still in my pelvic region. I have read such horror stories of…
papillary serous carcinoma of cervix
am not sure how to post so am just going for it am 47 years old and was Diagnoised on 1st April. I have papillary serous carcinoma in my cervix/womb 8.5 cm ( hopefully shrinking ) my two lymphnodes in my pelvis and my kidney stem right side . I was rushed into hospital when I hemoraged during my papsmear test. I have had…