nodule found on thyroid
Hello, Two years ago, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in situ on the right vocal chord.I was luck because they caught it early and surgery was all I had to have done. Well, at my two year check-up I told my doctor that I had been having alot of aching in my neck, jaw and ear. I pushed for him to do a CAT-scan…
New to this...
Hello all my name is Jaye. I just returned from Iraq 4 months ago to discover I have thyroid cancer. I want to thank you all very much for all the information that you have already posted to the site. Most of my questions have been answered by reading your discussions. Thanks for helping me to realize there is a lot of…
Age of first diagnosis
My fiance was just diagnosed in Feb of this year with stage 3 thyroid cancer. He is 33. I was wondering if anyone else had this diagnosis or similar situationa, what your age is now, and what you've been through as far as treatment? Thanks! Chris
it's "only" thyroid cancer
Don't really know how to respond. I know that the survival rate is good but still feels like a big deal. Surgery wasn't too bad but now awaiting RAI feels crappy.