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Archives for December 2014
Discussion List
Cancer in Lungs
I was just informed that I have cancer in my left upper lung. Not for sure the type but almost sure it will be MPNST sarcoma. I was diagnosed with MPNST sarcoma in my sciatic nereve in Dec 2012. Had 25 rounds of radation then in Feb 2013 had operation and they removed my sciatic nerve in the upper right leg. Now where…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
Liposarcoma Retroperitoneum
On January 8, 2014 I had a 69.5 pound Liposarcoma Retroperitoneum removed from my abdomen. I was very lucky to only lose my appendix. I had nerve damage and my left leg would not support me without a walker. I have been rehabilitating my leg and stopped using the walker in September, it is about 85% to 90%, and I am doing…
Low Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma
My husband, 47 years has been diagnosed with low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma. The doctor has given him 3 to 6 months to live. He had a lump come up on his shoulder back in January and then it started to grow. It did not hurt. He just said it was nothing. Then he started hurting in his lower left back around his kidney area.…
6 year osteosarcoma surviver, with new lump on breast! Help!
Hi guys, I am a 25 year old osteosarcoma surviver. I was diagnosed in 2007 and underwent surgery and chemotherapy. My primary site was in my right mandible, and it never spread. Last night while showering, I felt a large mass in my upper right breast, and I am freaking out! I contacted the hospital and should be able to…