Need some education fast - husband just diagnosed Gleason 9
I found out 2 days ago that my husband has Prostate cancer. Two PSA's done 2 mo. apart 33 and 34. 12+ Biopsies - Gleason score 5 + 4 / 9. I have read and read and read and cannot find the information I want. My husband is 100% disabled Vietnam veteran - a real American Hero. His disabilities are caused by Agent Orange.…
Pain management with mets
Hello Due to cronic back pain my husband for years has taken pain meds for that condition, recently the pain meds has not been working, long story short, mets from prostate cancer suspected, need biopsy and probably radiation, meantime what is a good pain med for the mets pain, hydrocodone is not working, we live in a…
Rakendra Report
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the…
T-shirt slogans we would love to see
There are a lot of cancer slogans for T-shirts to be found on the internet. Having had a go round with surgery for prostate cancer, and now having a recurrence, I was looking for somethng regarding prostate cancer. I saw the "Piss on Prostate Cancer" T-shirts, but for a lot of prostate surviviors, that shirt isn't quite…
To chemo or not to chemo
Well just started into 220 days plus with this HT. First the good news. PSA=0.24 down from 0.78 three mos ago. T < 0.13. Had two appointments this week. First one Tuesday. Hes was not sure as the recent study stated HT at the same time as Chemo,. WHile he was excited about the opportuntiy and was at the conference, given…
psa rising after treatment
I ws diagnosed in 2011 with prostate cncer gleason score 9 I underwent 45 radiation treatments and 2 years of hormone treatments when done my pas was 0 and my testosterone was <20 I had a follow up psa and testosterone test in dec 2013 6 months after finishing treatment and psa was .31 and testosterone was 269 I just had…
Reduced ejaculate specficially after Cyber knife
I'm 46 and finshed 8 weeks of CK treatment 2 years ago. I'm doing ok as far my PSA (I finally got under 2) but have experienced ED and reduction in ejaculate. I anticipated both but thought I'd be the exception to the rule. In fact, I was some consumed with these issues that I went against popular opinion of having surgery…
Pain after male sling surgery
Six months ago I had an operation for prostate cancer. After six months I still had a severe incontinence and decided to implement a so called Male Sling. This surgery was performed some three weeks ago and the problem with incontinence seems to be solved. I am not using any pads and urinating is close to normal. But I…
Prostate Cancer -the future
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer 18 months ago with a 1600 PSA - yes that is not a typo error. It had metatized to his ribs, etc. He has been given lupueron injections each month, pills to strengthen the bones, etc. His PSA had dropped to 1 over a 6 month period. It rose to 4, then to 8 in the last…