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Ovarian Cancer
Archives for February 2019
Discussion List
Update & Farewell from Loretta Marshall~stopping treatments~ It's time to WALK AWAY
February 23, 2019 Update &Farewell letter to all my friends here on the CSN site Hello to all dear friends dealing with a cancer diagnosis- As you can see by the date on the bottom of this article by MAYO Clinic – February 20, 2006, I have kept this on file since then. And rightly so, since my husband, William Marshall,…
Seeking Advice-14cm cyst on left ovary
Hi Ladies, I'm 46 and I found out last week I have a 14cm cyst on my left ovary. This was found through ultrasounds my doctor ordered due to my lower abdomen sticking out while lying down. One was pelvic and other transvaginal. Ob doctor gave me the CA125, did cervical biopsies, and biopsied a cervical polyp. She said the…
HU5F9-GR with Avelumab clinical trial
Hello, I'm a new member and only just found this forum. My mom has been battling a second round of Ovarian since 2016 (was previously 10 years in remission). After running through all the platin-based chemos, her cancer is now considered platinum resistant. Doctor is out of options other than putting her on Tamoxifen, but…
Tessy3~Your ltr 01-19-19~since orig post was "lost", here is reprint-Valuable references re Ovarian
HERE IS "Tessy3" letter and my reply. I'm very upset about all the valuable information that is missing. Since I keep a record of the posting as well as my reply in my WORD file, I've decided to reprint this. I gave Tessy so many valuable references to help her understand all about Ovarian Cancer. So just in case she…