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Ovarian Cancer
Archives for February 2016
Discussion List
Good column by Dr. Keith Roach
I am new to this forum. It was recommended to me that I find friends or people that are going through the same thing I am or have gone through the same thing. I have stage 3 ovarian cancer and stage endometrial cancer. So not only did I get one type of cancer but I managed to get two. Is this normal ? It is frustrating…
Johnson & Johnson Lawsuit|maing9|dl2|sec1_lnk3&pLid=-1975688744 I don't have ovarian cancer but UPSC - a uterine cancer that is treated like ovarian cancer. I saw this article this morning that Johnson & Johnson was…
Alexandra Funeral
Alexandra Kalner Oct. 24, 1967---Feb.15, 2016 Ward Funeral Home 1st. Visitation: Friday Feb.19, 2016 2:00-4:00 2rd Visitation: Friday Feb.19, 2016 7:00-9:00 There is a condolence page to leave a not or a memory. Debra(Jo)
Our Alexandra
Dearest Ladies, I have not been posting, but follow along. Our dear Alexandra has left us. February 15, yesterday. She has touched my heart in so many ways. And I know that you all feel many of the same feelings that I do. Goodbye my friend, I will miss you.
Remember GS Ron?
He used to visit Alexandra from the kidney board. I see he hasn't been on since last October.
Newly diagnosed and some questions
A week ago, I was running 8 miles, and now stage 4 ovarian cancer. OK long story short. No symptoms went for a annual physical, got a x-Ray on my chest, and found a pleural effusion. They did a CT scan, and found a mass. Turns out my right ovarian has a cancer on it. It's pressing on my uterer, causing minor kidney damage.…