Preparing for Colonoscopy with Hyponatremia
I did not participate in the recent discussion (Gina) about colonoscopy. I have never had one, but my oncologist has been nagging me about it. I asked my family doctor: "If I had colon cancer, wouldn't it show up on a PET scan"? She replied, "Probably". I asked my oncologist the same question and his reply was: "Not before…
Long term survival question regarding shortness of breath
Hello Everyone, I am a Hodgkin's Survivor of approximately 22 years. My treatment consisted of 6 cycles of ABVD and about 6 weeks of mantle radiation. Prior to my diagnosis my lung capacity seemed to be far superior to what it was after. Now, at age 50, I'm wondering if there is much I can do to increase my stamina and…
Just not myself
I don't even know where to begin.. I am new here but not new to cancer. I was diagnosed stage 3 non hodgkins diffuse large cell b back in Jan of 2012 and I've had the Chop X , 32 days of radiation and I'm on 10 out of 12 of the rituxan maintenance due in August. I am 46 years old and mother of an 8 year old daughter and 14…
just had port put in yesterday was rougher than expected
I am 7 years in remission could radiation still be effecting me. Like having shortness of breath. Feels like asthma. I had radiation on the chest area.
Just had my half-way PET/CT scan for NLPHL
I have had two cylces (four treatment) of R-ABVD for NLPHL. I am scheduled to have four cycles (8 treatments; once every two weeks). Yesterday I had my PET/CT scan. My Dr. said the enlarged nodes have shrunk about in half but there is still some cancer activity, although less than before. He said that no new areas have…
Rituxan Maintenance #8 - Interesting Day
If I count the 8 times I had Rituxan as part of R-CHOP, my 8th maintenance infusion yesterday made the 16th time I've had this drug. I don't feel very good today, as I knew I wouldn't, but it is temporary and certainly worth it. There were 2 women sitting across from me having Rituxan for the first time. One woman starting…
Anyone heard from Matt or Karl (Shoopy)?
I have a question please!
Hello! I haven't been here for awhile. I have a question. I have been in remission for two years this coming December from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Diffuse B Cell. I was feeling very strong and well until June 2, 2014. Prior to that time I had a bout with a bronchial situation and came through that. On my follow up doctor…
Maybe back in chemo chair.
Wednesday was my one year checkup since I finished my ABVD, and it appear that a node in the neck grew 2mm in size within the last 6 months. Also the CT pathologist finding thinks and I quote him "this node morphologically has a benign appearance" but how he knew without biopsy. I remember the CT finding before I…
Can't seem to get it together
Hi, I've been cancer free for 1.5 years now, and I still can't seem to find joy. I am afraid of everything, and I'm sabotaging my life. When does the joy return? Please help, I feel like I'm going crazy.
Quick update...
Hi, Sorry for the lack of posting, but it's been a very hectic last 3 months for me. I finished radiation on my eye and all went well. My check up last Thursday showed there is still a small amount of cancer in the eye, but we will watch it closely for new growth before anymore radiation will be done. 2 weeks ago today I…
Hi all, I have some worrying symptoms and signs, was wondering if anyone can shed some light?
Hi everybody, Everytime I google my symptoms, lymphoma comes up and I'm starting to worry about my body. I have a doctor's appointment for a biopsy on Monday but I was wondering if anyone with lymphoma recognizes my symptoms in themsevles. A little more than a month ago, I got this abscess below my ear lobe. I noticed my…
Neutropenia: common??
Hey. I was supposed to have Chemo round #2 tomorow but my Dr. called and said I have neutropenia. Is this a common thing? I am getting another blood test next week now to see if we can do Chemo next week. I am irritated to say the least. I want this cancer gone. I don't want to have to wait another week! (insert whiny…
Funny Cat Video... Chemo #2 this week... No Sleep for me!!
16 days after my 26th birthday I was diganosed with Stage 2B Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I had Chemo #1 on June 5th. ABVD in my right arm (3 of the 4 drugs). I had a bad reaction to the "A" and they switched the IV to my left arm and slowed it down so the normally 1 hour drip took 4. It felt like my entire arm was on fire from the…
10 years clean
I am a 10 year survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma, 8 months of chemo, I am doing wonderful, I had ABVD chemo, some times are rough, but am doing well, just want to let people know that there are long term survivors out there, have faith and God Bless
Foxy wants to hear from you! :)
Sue, Jeff, Karl, Matt, Lisha, others/anyone not posting in awhile or anyone for that matter.... How are you doing? Foxy wants to know :) . Foxy is coming along. She knows how to sit now and we're working on some more. Pretty soon I'll have her doing laundry and washing the car - LOL. Just wanted to know how folks are…
malt lymphoma
friend of mine just diagnosed with 2 primary cancers. Adenocarcinoma invasive of the colon and malt lymphoma. Never heard of 2 and since my dad had colon cancer i am familiar (unfortunatley) with that. Anyone here know more about malt lymphoma? thanks Louann
My 2 year old son has lumps I am very worried
Hi, my name is Jessica and my son's name is Jacob. around feb of this year I noticed a lump on my son's neck just close to his ear on the left side... I wasn't to worried then it wasn't very big it was a cause for concern.. by march it was more noticeable so I took him to my gp and they told me its noting to worry about,…
Hi I am 67 years old about 1 1/2 years back i was diagnoised with mantle cell lymphpma. my wbc started at 11 and it is now 24. i do not have any symptoms and i am on wait and watch. i wanted to see if there are any mcl patients who have similar indolent MCL and perhaps learn from their experience. i wanted to find out at…
Hope for those of us with PCNSNHL
Hi, I have been battling primary central nervous system non-hodgkins disease for the last four and one-half years. Mine was large B cell diffuse with from what I've read includes most if not all of us. I have been receiving chemo, high dose MTX and Rituxan at least every 4 months after the inital nine months when the…
Lumps on neck - been there on/off take or give 6-7 years. Worried.
Hi all I've had 2 lumps on each side of my neck, right side lump is bigger, both lumps are movable and squishy. I have no pain or any other sypmtom that I know of, just these darn lumps that won't go away :( Been to the doctor when I first noticed it, she dismissed it as nothing and gave me cream to use on the scab on my…
primary flat lesion lymphoma and adenocarcinoma invasive of the colon
has anyone ever heard of having 2 primary cancers at the same time. one is adenocarcinoma of the colon and malt lymphoma originating in the colon?
Swollen Lymph nodes neck/groin
Hello, wondering if anyone has any comments on my health as the doctors seem to think everything’s normal? i have had for the past year swollen lymph nodes in the groin area...no pain, i am quite thin so they are noticeable without having to touch. id say a bit bigger than a marble, cant really move them and they are hard.…
So worried and stressed, please help
Hello, I never used forums like this in my hole life up until the last two months. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma 12 years ago and after undergoing 6-8 months of chemo, I came out the other side (thank god). On my last day of treatment i fully believed i was cured and couldn't wait to get on with my life and thats exactly what i…
GI Pain during RCHOP
Hi all, New to this network. Stage 3 DLBCL in nodes and T CELL in bone marrow. After first RChop infusion 1 1/2 weeks ago I continue to experience lower GI pain and cramping. Not really constipated, although that was problem at first. Resolved for the most part, but the severe cramping remains. Any comments on this would…
Interesting Article (Skin Cancer)
New drug evidently cures man of advanced skin cancer: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/skin-cancer-patient-is-cured-by-new-drug-30323149.html