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Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
Archives for February 2007
Discussion List
rituxan and pregnancy?
Hi everyone... My husband finished his treatment for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in December. His petscan showed a significant decrease and diminishing in activity! We are very happy with this news. Now, he will be on a maintenance program which is Rituxan every 3 months for 2 years. He has already had Rituxan with his Chemo,…
recently diagnosed
I was recently diagnosed with non hodgkins. I am a 37 year old mother of three beautiful children with a very supportive husband. I am sending this out there to see if i can connect with anyone my age who has the same diagnosis and issues. i know so many people with cancer but none with non hodgkins. I start chemo next…
aggressive stage 4 lymphoma
My friends husband has been diag. July 06. He has gone through chemo but the cancer won't leave his bone marrow. The dr.'s can't get him in remission long enough for a stem cell or marrow transplant. Does anyone have any info on the mop treatments or any other options???
Good news, - for a change!
I've received good new, for a change. After only three chemo treatments, my low-grade NHL is "gone"! I'm in remission. The best part of this good news is that it went away quickly, and the quicker it goes away, the less likely it is to return. If it does return, it will take longer for it to return. So thank you, everyone,…
Is there anyone out there who was treated with BEACOPP? I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 Hodgkin's and went through 8 cycles of escalated BEACOPP. I am now over a year post treatment and doing well. Although the treatment has left me with some side effects-joint pain, weakened immune system, a little…
Commercial Pilots?
Hey there, Any commercial Pilots who have had HD?