Just diagnosed
Hi, I have just been diagnosed with Grade 1 Follicular Lymphoma...that is all it says on lab reports following biopsy. I have been reading alot on the net and, though so many people are telling me it is one of the better cancers to get (!!), I am also reading that it is hard to cure and tends to recur. I would really…
My father has got B-cell agressive lymphoma-sad and helpless
my father has been diagnosis with B-cell aggressive stage IV lymphoma, did anybody can share with me after the first chemo, do you have persistent fever (38.6-39) everyday? His LDH seems to decrease a lot but I am sad and worry and don't know much about all this and don't know how we can help him to drop the fever, doctor…
pregnancy after HD....
i had HD when i was 14... i know a lot of people on here have already asked for advice on getting pregnant after HD... i'm 18, not ready for a baby yet, ha, but i would very much love a house full of screaming kids one day. my question, however, is, does anyone know about being put on the pill? i heard that it can further…
Relapse of NHL
I was recently rediagnosed with a relapse of NHL, only need Rituxan this time thank God. My question is has anyone encountered not being able to have an aromatherapy massage? I went for one last week and the lady said she could not do one since massages stimulate the lymphatic system and she did not want to spread the…
hi everyone,i appriciate all your helpfull responses,im 29 diagnosed in 2005,6 cicle chimo folowed by radiation,recently for the last 3 days i've been experiencing some none stop itching on my legs,chest and the arms and im totally freaked out,im going to see my doctor the day after tomorrow but i cannt really sleep,ive…