i have stage 4 nsclc and have gone through four treatments of Opdivo. I know that it takes a bit to kick in, but I can feel my liver masses growing and I am concerned that I mat not have enough time for the drug to kick in. Has anyone been on this drug and i am curious about your experiences.
Need info
I was diagnosed last November with stage 3b nonsmall cell adenocarcinoma in my right lung with spackling on my chest wall. I have finished 6 weeks of radiation 5 days a week and one day of low dose chemo taxol/carboplatin. This helped immensley with the pain I was experiencing and now no longer need pain meds, I start high…
Are Ground-Glass Opacity Lung Nodules cancer?
My wife had a CT scan this week and they found at least 35 bilateral ground glass nodules and opacities ranging in size from 0.3 cm to one that is 1.6 cm. They are in all lobes. The report states there are a couple solid-appearing 0.3 cm ground-glass opancities. A biopsy is scheduled in which they go into the lung with a…
just diagnosed stage2b sqamous cell lung cancer 1 positive lymph, looking for survivors
husband ron has history of tonsilcancer in 2013, on anuual exam ct of neck they found lung cancer in right upper lobe. had lobectomy 10 days ago , have to decide if chemo weekly for 4 months or nothing. overwhelmed, need some survivor stories. thankyou,'janet
husband with nslc stage 3
Due to having horrible pain in husbands right shoulder, i took him to the ER. He has had COPD for over 20 years with the last couple years at stage 4. after the ER doctors did tests, it was determinded that he had lung cancer. He was admitted and was tested to see if he could withstand surgery. He couldn't. So they did do…
Anyone have information on study trials going on at Princess Margaret hospita,l Ontario