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Lung Cancer
Archives for September 2004
Discussion List
West Ga Cancer Support Group
For those interested, I facilitate a Cancer Support Group in the west Georgia area. Contact me at for further information or in any way I can help you. God bless you all.
i am not sure wether or not i have lung cancer, i am in a very low risk group. have had x-rays,ct and pet, all show a nodule of about 12mm but so far all signs show it to be benign. have had blood work done as well and it shows no increase in anything that would indicate any kind of cancer. the lung doc said that she wants…
Reaching out!! - Please respond!
My husband was diagnosed with nsc stage IIIB lung cancer in february 2004. His lung mass is not resectable and has a lymph node involvemnet in chest. He has already gone thru 33 radiation treatments and 28 chemo treatments of Taxol/Carboplatin. All along thru CT scans the mass had been skrinking and responding but this…
Science Friday will be discussing the Drug Companies and whether they are interested in Cures or Profits tomorrow. The program usually airs at 10 AM in my area;check your local PBS station. bud
small cell lung cancer, extensive stage
My sister has been newly diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, extensive stage. I am interested in informations on others' experiences with treatment options, side effects, and how long it has been since diagnosis. I would also appreciate any other comments about their experiences they would care to share.
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at My name is Kevin.
rare cancer?
my dad was recently diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor poorly diffentiated of the lung, does anyone know what this is? and can u do anything to treat it?