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Lung Cancer
Archives for September 2001
Discussion List
carcinoid lung cancer
I had upper 3/4 of my left lung removed due to carcinoid tumor, have found very little info on it. Is there anyone who has had carcinoid lung cancer who can share with me?
Cancer Therapy
My wife had been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in 1972 when she presented with a left DVT(deep vein thrombosis) and pulmonary embolism. Workup which was triggered by this presentation revealed that she did have an ovarian carcinoma for which she underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and received leukeran treatment for…
Hi from Sunny SA
I have a question that I would like to ask , I know that a lot of you wont want to even look at this side of things , but because Dolores' condition is now "so called terminal"I really need to ask this......when someone who has terminal cancer ie only so long to live ....HOW DO THEY PASS ON...?????? is there pain involved…
Talk about SCLC
Hello I am new to this group and diagnosed only3 months ago I am very interested in talking with any one who also has been diagnosed with SCLC
Hi from Sunny SA
Hi guys it seems as if a GREMLIN is at work here.The previous messages were NOT from me,I dont swear on-line nor do I miss-spell words.Whoever is pretending to be me must be a very lonely person,SEEK HELP NOW. As for Dolores,I am not to sure what is happening,she seems to have lost sensation in her left hand &…
Lung Cancer Recurrence
I was diagnosed with NSLC in November of last year. After undergoing chemotherapy (VP-16 and cisplatin) and radiation, the doctor's decided to remove the middle lobe of my right lung in June of this year. Unfortunately, the cancer has returned and the doctors have identified metastasis in my brain. I am now beginning a…