Question about teeth extractions
Hello to all my dad recently went to the dentist because his cap came out. The dentist said he had 2 teeth eroding from dry mouth and that he recommended pulling them. We went to an oral surgeon and he would recommend grinding them down and then leaving them. He did talk about the hyperbaric oxygen chamber but said it had…
Lung Biopsy Negative!
Hi All, The lung biopsy done Friday at MD Anderson of the 3-4 masses in his lungs came back negative for cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said it was some inflammatory process of pnemonia that was of no consequence and they will just watch the areas. (The SUV uptake in those areas was 4.5) They are going to do one more…
The Rolling Green Hills Of Kentucky
Hello, my friends. Just wanted to let you know that I have been in Kentucky with my daughter since June 14. Can't remember when I last posted, but am reading posts & following everyone's journey, old friends & new. I was stunned to see the change in my daughter from a year ago. As I watched Ron slip away, I now watch this…
Vacation if Over already
Made it back Wow just came back from a wonderful vacation down in Central American. I stayed two weeks in a Botanical Garden on the Island of Utila in Honduras, what a great place to live. I could not eat the fruit off the tree but did pick the fruit and bring it in my room to blend in my Nutribullet to go in my PEG tube.…