Happy anniversary to me!
My last treatment was one year ago today! Woo Hoo! BILL
I got one of "those" phone calls you never want
Doctors office called yesterday. She said I have a spot on my thyroid she wants to have biopsied on the 31st. She seems to think "it's nothing" but if that were the case why are we having to look at it? GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Three days away from my 1 year post tx and they pull this crap! Thanks for letting me vent! BILL
Set Back
Well I went 15 whole days without using my peg, but had to go in for my 6th esophageal dilation and now have to use the peg again. Bummer! The pain from the dilations make it very difficult to eat or drink anything by mouth for quite a few days afterwards. Has anyone else had to deal with these dilations?
tube feeding
Last week a patient in these discussions said he had a G-tube and was throwing up. Could not keep the nutrition down. My advice is to try BURPING a lot before pouring in the formula. Also, the liquid flows best when we INHALE, so do that, watch it flow, then exhale.
Check up tomorrow
Am I the only one who gets nervous before every dang Doctors appointment? I know everything is well but for some odd reason I get all freaked out the night before I go. I love all the Doctors and nurses I deal with, could NOT ask for better people but still............
cuzzy, just wanted to let you know, if you haven't already heard....SOCCER IS IN 'DA HOUSE!!! He was back in chat yesterday and doing just great. I am sure you guys here will be hearing from him again soon. Thank you for being concerned about him. He is very dear to all of us.
Tooth decay
i went for my dental checkup last week. the dentist said that my teeth are already weakening from having a dry mouth. he said that normal saliva helps to keep the teeth clean and free from harmful bacteria but, now that i don't have much saliva, my teeth could decay very fast. i am trying to maintain a more strict cleaning…