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Head and Neck Cancer
Archives for October 2002
Discussion List
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
I am 23 and a survivor or mucoepidermoid carcinoma (salivary gland cancer). I have had a recurrence as recent as February 2002. They finally decided to follow up my most recent surgery with radiation (I was diagnosed in 1998 and have had four surgeries since). I am hoping this was the key to eliminate the cancer for good.…
desperate need of support for a friend
i am trying to find someone who is in the chicago area who has throat/lung cancer to speak with a friend of mine's sister. her dr gave her the number of only one other male patient and i am trying to find her a female african american woman, dx with throat/lung cancer. i don't really know all of the details but know that…
Michael Scott
Hello, My husband Michael was diagnosed with Oral Cancer a little over a year ago. We have struggled through treatments as the cancer spread and returned without mercy. I know that Michael has communicated with several people through this website. I wanted to let those people know that Michael passed away on Sept. 17th.…
Neck pain
Anyone have neck pain after cancer of the mouth. I have a neurma on the left side of the neck and the doctors want to take it out. Anyone ever had that? leecat
Surgery on my neck
Hi may have surgery on my neck. The Doctors want to remove a neurma that I have. Have to have CT Scan next week. Say some prayers for me. Leecat
Anyone want to talk
Hi does anyone want to talk or chat. leecat
Anyone with this side effect from Radiation Treatment to their neck? I have received 41 Radiation Treatments and my Radiation Oncologist told me I
need help
My husband had squamous cell cancer on the right side of his neck the tumor was about the size of a golf ball or bigger. It was right behind his vocal chords and in front of the opening of his esphagus ( mispelled). We went to an ENT doctor, he wanted to do surgery then follow up with radiation. We went for a second…