Validation, validation, validation
Just got validation that most likely points to Chemo Brain from my doctor and it prompted me to write this particular posting about the importance of validation in our journeys with cancer. Any symptoms you experience you have to report to your doctors no matter how small they seem to be. Document them and report them…
close friends have backed off kind of...
I have just realized that lately my phone isn't ringing as often. For those that don't know me and would like to comment, my mom is suffering deeply with bone mets. When my close friends found out, they called me and e mailed me every day asking how she's doing and if I need anything. I am not one to ask for anything but…
Fatigue Frustrations - Survival first, creative last
With all of the after effects and struggles with a cancer diagnosis fatigue is so often one of the most invasive after effects that interfere with our lives, well for many of us I mean. Right from the beginning after diagnosis our world becomes overwhelmed with a whole new world of terminology and our routines start to get…
Unusual 4th Stage Stomach Cancer Patient- Amazing actually
I am not really sure if this is the correct forum to post this inquiry. I have a rather unusual, perhaps it is not unusual. I have a dear friend whose Grandmother has 4th Stage Stomach Cancer, which has metastasized to the following regions: 2 mets on both lungs, liver, bile duct, and several clusters of tumors in her…
when will it get better
My Husband has been gone since October 5th 2011,when will I feel better the two things I love to do is work and cook and I can't seem to do either it is like life is beeing sucked out of me I feel like my brain is working in slow motion. I am going back to work 1 week from this Wed I pray I am going to be okay
Weight Gain
Wasn't feeling too chipper over the weekend and the Monday Blahs are hitting hard today. Supposed to be working, but my mind is saying "Nope. Don't want to." So I surfed around and randomly typed in searches and came across a web page that hit home. Julia Grim is a very brave woman who had breast cancer and underwent a…
Rough week with dad and the cat, both cancer patients
Well, I had a rough week taking care of dad. He is not wanting to cooperate when it comes to doing exercises, drinking fluids, etc, and just gets angry at me when I try to remind him of anything. But he is so forgetful - he has to have someone say it's time for meds or whatever - and I just had to decide to only remind…
the more I pray the worse things get for my mom
I pray so hard for my mom not to have the pain she has with Bone Metastases and every day her pain is getting worse. Not only is her pain worse but her overall health is diminishing. This weekend has been the worst I have seen her, she can't keep her food done because of this awful cough which now I'm sure it's gone to her…
I'd love to get your brilliant input on this!
Hey guys! I’m really passionate about curing cancer…so I did a search to find people like me on the web, and I was lead here! It looks like a great group of people here! Anyways, a few days ago I was thinking about what I had in my life, and I wanted to find a way to use my talents to do good. One thing I’m quite involved…
Need Help - how to be there for your dad when you physically can't
Hi, I am new here and need some help from people with experience dealing with a parent that has terminal cancer when you live in another state. My situation is a little unique, but I will briefly explain. My father abandoned me as a baby. I never knew him, but always wanted to. When I was 30 years old he contacted me, and…
I feel a little socially awkward after cancer
Does anyone else feel the same? I'm 10 months out of treatment, and I breezed through my treatment, didn't have a particularly hard time, so I have no excuses for not being back to "normal"! But when I hang out with my friends, when we talk, I often can't help feeling we're in 2 different worlds. I carry on the…
I Lost My Mom 9/25/11 to Vaginal Cancer
Hi. New to this but just needed to reach out to somebody! I am feeling completely lost and so so so sad. I lost my mom, my best friend on 9/25/11 and the sadness is overwhelming. I don't even want to get out of bed some mornings. I just do not know how to get passed this and I'm not even sure I want to! I mean, I think its…
Surviving Stage IV Cancer
What a shock it was for me in August 2009 to be diagnosed with stage IV cancer. I was so naive--I asked, "How many stages are there?" When I was told just 4, you can understand my shock and disbelief. I saw 3 oncologists to get opinions on treatment; the first thing out of the mouths of all 3 was "In stage IV cancer is…
How long does it take???
Just wondering, how long does it take before the tears stop? It's been 18 months since I lost my hubby, Tom. Now here it is, getting near to the holiday season again & I'm getting that empty feeling again. Just came back from Kohl's & when I saw they had Christmas decorations up, the tears started again & I had to get out…
Thank you!!
A great, big THANK YOU to all of you who replied to my post about chemo questions. I still have not decided whether or not to have it, but your responses help so much. Reading about the side affects scares me to death. Your sharing doesn't change the reality that those side effects WILL happen. It does however let me have…
My dads pet scan is tomorrow, and i'm scared.
My dad has non small cell lung cancer, and has been getting chemo and radiation.all of this starting since july 6th.He just started to lose his hair 3-4 days ago.I am scared for him and my mom and me.I am an only child, i am married, but have no children. My mom and dad and me ..we are close...I just am so worried...I…
every time I click chat I can not get on I see it then it shuts down any advise thanks
loss of husband
I just lost my best friend my husband two days after our 28th anniversary-it was last Monday. it is now one week and today is a really tough day. does anyone know of an online support chat room??
relationship with someone you love with stage 4nsclc
I am thinking about going to support group. My boyfriend has stage 4 nsclc and he doesn't do anything we used to anymore. He changed many ways. One is he doesn't want to take walks no more. Other is he used to hang in his room a lot and doesn't do that. Sometimes I want to do my own things and he doesn't want me too. He…
Adult Child looking for support
Hi All, Not sure where to go but I am an adult child of a cancer patient. My mother was diagnosed with brain cancer in February and since then I've had a lot of difficulty reaching out and getting support from family and friends. I am not the type who can speak about such things openly, it's just too hard. I have chosen to…
Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian members on this site !!!
Just a short comment to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of the other Canadian members on this site. Cancer is cancer no matter where we all are in the world and as one little Canadian I just want to give thanks to the American Cancer Society for this wonderful site. It helps so many people with support and information and…
A little bit of validation and understanding goes a loooonnngggg way !!!
Thursday I finally got up the courage to go through with the nerve conduction testing I knew I needed to get the stamp of yet another diagnosis regarding my late effects from treatments. I knew I had nerve damage from my chemo drugs, no one had to tell me that, but you know how it goes - the doc has to say so too. lol. Of…
Cancer with a brain injury
I have posted on this site before and I am reaching out now to see if anyone has a loved one who is dying from cancer and also has a traumatic brain injury. My sister is 59 years old and looks like she is already dead and she will not accept that she can't live alone. She has fallen twice that we know of. Once in front of…
Headaches and general confusion
I'm currently battling stage 4 liver cancer which has metastasized now all over, including my brain. I have a very large tumor in the frontal lobe, as well as two smaller ones. They are growing quickly and "infiltrating" at an aggressive rate. I'm doing chemo "at my own risk", because I'm so advanced and considered…
Feel something but dont' know what it is??? confused I am
Last few days even a week, I have these weird feelings, sometimes I feel like my cancer has come back and sometimes I feel like Im not going to be able to deal with it. Im now only going on 3 months remission and it happened before, I was in remission for this long and it came back. This time i worry if it comes back I…
what does it mean to have black on ur stoma?
well I have had my ileostomy since last April.. due to crohns.. and well my stoma is black.. and well Ive been to the ER and they always say its normal.. I mean aghhh... Ive talked to my WOCN and she said im losing blood flow.. the whole thing isnt black.. its black on the parts that connect to my skin.. on the top and…