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Emotional Support
Archives for November 2008
Discussion List
I don't like the writing on the wall! My dad has cancer and I am scared!
Well, it has been around 10 months since my dad (age 62) was diagnosed with cancer of the throat. He also has COPD. He is still smoking :( . At first the doctors were cautiously optimistic, but after the radiation is finished it appears the cancer is still there. He is now being referred to a new hospital and doctors since…
Worst nighmare
I was scared that the Dr we see today would try to talk my husband out of surgery. Guess what it came true. I am sitting here typing this and can barly breath. He kept saying that it is so small, there is so little, you are so young, it will probably never grow, if it does it will never effect you. He kept saying, "lets do…
Caregiver Needing Help
I am a college student living at home with my mom who has IIIA NSCLC. She's in such bad shape, not because of any tumors but because of her weak immune system and her weak bones. She has recently contracted Pseudomonas AGAIN, and has fractured a rib and probably a vertebrae just from coughing. I go to school full time, I…
Why is it a-holes who rob, steal, murder, beat people and otherwise do harm just keep on living while others like most of us just get terminal diseases amd can't seem to get any kind of a break. I realize life isn't fair but Jesus there should at least be some balance.!! Is there somewherewe can take a vote??
After Treatment
I've read numerous postings here and can relate to a lot of what is said. It's hard for me to keep it all organized in my mind so I have a difficult time posting. Each new posting brings yet another thought or feeling to confuse my already overburdened mind.(LOL) I like the idea of being able to put those thoughts into…
I was wondering if anyone went through a state of regression during their treatment? I went through it during my treatment and I am writing my thesis on this subject. I was diagnosed 3 days before my 13th birthday, but spent the next 6 months living like a kindergardener. Has anyone experienced the same feelings?
Just received the word from CSN that the room is back up and running and I did get in so just thought some of you would like to know. See you there.
just wanted to share my story and needed to vent
didnt know where to turn to but am having some hard times without my mom best friend. Sadly she died on Aug 18th from Squamous stage 4 cancer at the young age of 58. In Feb 07 she was diagnosed with T2N2CMo stage IV cancer went through extensive radiation she was severly burned after 6 wks of treatments and we had to stop…