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Childhood Cancers
Archives for November 2011
Discussion List
ganglioneuroblastoma at 2 + spinal decompression + instrumentation
Just wondering if there is anyone out there with similar medical history to my daughter's who would like to share their experiences, please? 1. Diagnosed at 21 months with ganglioneuroblastoma (massive tumour in her chest, left lung mostly compressed, stretching along most of her spine and also inside her spinal…
ganglioneuroblastoma at 2 + spinal decompression + instrumentation
Just wondering if there is anyone out there with similar medical history to my daughter's who would like to share their experiences, please? 1. Diagnosed at 21 months with ganglioneuroblastoma (massive tumour in her chest, left lung mostly compressed, stretching along most of her spine and also inside her spinal…
Chemo and radiation side affects on pelvic area
hi.. I am a mom of a survivor of Rabdo.. she is 6 yrs out.. she was diagnosed at age 4 with stage 4..her tumor sat on her uterus and was all over her abdomine area... she was treated for two yrs.. did the national protocal.. she and her tumor were so responsive to her chemo and radiation we blessed.. we are now having side…
Advice/words/knowledge for my 2 year old !
I’m not sure if this is the right place to find some advice but I hope it is, I’m from the UK & I am finding it very difficult to find anyone who is or has been in my position as Lymphoma in children is rare. My two year old son has had enlarged lymph nodes for about nine months, it was first noticed with two in his neck…