My Husband is Dying
I have dedicated a web page to my husband, Gary Poland, My Prince! It is; http://home.comcast.net/~poljea On April 28, 2008 My sweet, kind, loving, handsome, compassionate husband has been diagnosed with cancer. He has been given 3-6 months to live. I need to do this website for me and Gary. I started out doing this…
Needs to relate
It has been nearly eight years, and I know that is a while compared to what I've read on here... but I don't know anyone who doesn't think about who they've lost when the day comes to make it another year since you haven't seen their face. Two months after my 11th birthday, I lost my mom to bronchial alveolar-carcinoma. I…
No diagnosis yet for my mom/still waiting
Still waiting for the results of the biopsy to come back from what he took from the bone marrow on my mom's hip. I can't stand the wait. As of right now we know that the cancer has metasised and is on the ribs and all the bones up into her head. My mom is in lots of pain and I can't get her to take the pain medicine. I try…
My dad's Fight
Hi Everyone. My dad (53) was recently diagnosed with advanced renal cell carcinoma. It has spread from his kidney to his liver and his lung. Recently he had his left femur removed because the cancer had also spread to his bone and is slowly recovering. He is on Toricel. He has not had his kidney removed as his doctor said…
What is the process/to get a diagnosis if cancer has metasised
Metasised cancer was found on my mom's bones all the way up into her head. Its on her ribs, back arms neck and into her head. They just did a biopsy of her bone marrow from her hip. The problem is she is in alot of pain but it takes 2 weeks to get the results from that and we have to hope that they can get a reading from…
my sister
My sister was dign. with lung cancer in 11/06 she had half her lung removed along with part of her clavicle and part of her 1st 3 ribs. She was getting really bad headaches in feb and march they determined she had a brain tumor that had spread from her lung. She had some of the tumor removed and everything was going great.…
i have a husband with pancreatic cancer
I am looking to speaking with other women whose husbands have pancreatic cancer. I am 51, my husband is 55 and we have a fourteen year old daughter. His tumor is inoperable.
pancreatic cancer
My husband was diagnosed Feb.13th, 2008. I would like to talk with other wives whose husbands have pancreatic cancer. My husband is 55 years old and we have a 14 year old daughter. I am very frightened.
Caregiver needs advice
My 75 yo mom was diagnosed with sclc in March 2008. After aggressive chemo, her doctor declared her cancer free, this month. The problem? She's depressed and contradicts everything that comes out of her mouth. One minute she's happy, the next, angry, sad. She refuses support groups, the Link program, vitamins, anything…