Nuts! New lump in the 'good' breast!
Well, found a lump in the non-cancer breast....having an 'ememgency' mammo tomorrow...I will keep you posted....keep your fingers crossed (3rd time is the charm????) Hugs, Kathi
CTScan results
My Oncologist walked into my room after an hour and a half wait, she said, Hi there, your CTScan results are all great!!!! whew...Praise God I could have kissed her! Yes all is well, she said they looked better than the LAST CTScan to boot, I was so relieved and my friend and I hugged when she left the room, after that…
Chat Room TONIGHT!!!!
"Chat tonight,10/30- 6pm PT, 7MT, 8CT, 9ET" Come join us for your concerns,laughs, and getting to know one another. See you in CHAT ROOM #2 at the posted times tonight, Tuesday! See you there! Cindie
newbie and waiting
What a way to celebrate breast cancer awareness month...finding out I have breast cancer (stage 2). Surgery on my left breast(sentinel node, lumpectomy and axillary node disection) was this past thursday. I find waiting the hardest in this process - my next visits are thursday w/surgeon and oncologist. How does one get…
I stink!
Or at least I think I do! Not sure when exactly I noticed this, but I feel like even after I bathe, I'm just not "fresh!" Also seems like deodorants just aren't cutting it (I use mitchum)I'm 46 and chemo put me into sudden menopause (about 2 1/2 years ago) Has anyone else had this problem? What do you do about it? Help!…
Two strikes you lose both?
why do I keep hearing from way too many people that if prior dx and then two scares (or false alarms) the only treatment option pushed is double masectomy.
chemo, yes or no-Part II
Well I've rec'd the results of the Oncotype DX results and it shows me in the intermediate group with a score of 21-so actually, i'm on the low side of the middle group. I had made up my mind that if I my score was anywhere besides in the low risk occurence, that i was going to partake in chemo. So, that is my next…
Low White/Red Blood Cells/Hemoglobin
Had bilateral mastectomy in Jan. 06, went thru chemo til the end of July... and radiation was finally finished Oct. 06. It's now been over a year and my red blood cells, white blood cells, and hemoglobin are still flagged low. Anybody else out there had low counts this long?
mastectomy, radiation and reconstruction
I had a lumpectomy Jul07, then chemo that I'll finish up in November, and then because of unclean margins, multiple tumors and 21 lymphodes involved, I'm having to go back in for a bi-lateral mastectomy. I'm told I can't have the reconstruction immediately, since I need radiation and then need to heel from radiation before…
milk duct
I've had bc 2 times...my daughter is pregnant due in Dec...last week she found a lump in her breast(she is 26)...the doctor drained the lump but this week this is back...I'm wondering if this breast stuff will ever end...they plan on sending her to a surgeon if the lump comes back..I'm praying hard that it doesn't..but…
We made it!! 16 YEARS!
16 years ago today my beau took me to the county fair. And the rest is history (and herstory...lol). We are going to dinner tonight, He brought home an armload of red roses....WOW! Hugs, Kathi
Arimidex side effects??
I am wondering if anyone else is having the problems that i am going thru. I had right mast, went thru 8 weeks of A/C and Taxol and have been on Arimidex since March. I went to both my doctors for blood work and checkups. I am now on blood pressure/fluid pill, Lipitor for colestrol, and today they told me my potassium was…
Time for ME
I need some help...how do we, as survivors, take true time for ourselves? I seem to run in cycles with this. I am great at relaxing and planning fun for myself and my husband, then we go for 2-3 months working non-stop. I need balance. After going thru the cancer battle, I get aggravated with myself that I continue to let…
Wanted to thank everyone for your info for my post on driving to and from chemo for my Mom. My sisters who live closer to my Mom have decided to each take a turn driving and staying with my Mom for the day of chemo. Thanks for the info! Take care and stay healthy.
I got the score today from my oncotype test ..18..so not low or high risk they said? They started me on Arimidex ..should I have chemo with intermediate risk? only talked to the nurse...doctor wasnt available..any help would be appreciated.
Anyone out there got lymphodemia in mastectomy arm? I just developed it......(don't need it either) hard to type and do anything! Hospital told me to just wrap it until I see my Dr. Dr. said don't worry about "it" until we rule out ca reocurrence....so I am wrapping it with tensor and holding it up as much as…
You don't need to save me a seat!
Ok, ladies, this is just a reminder! Tomorrow is our Tuesday Chat~room 2 at 6PM PST. You don't have to save me a seat because I will be helping my step-daughter move into a new apartment tomorrow. Groan in unison, will you?! LOL So, I hope you can take cyber notes for me tomorrow, and get to know one another a bit better!…
er pr positive/Her2 positive
Does anyone else have this? Stage 1 no lymphnode involvement, premenopausal. What were the treatments? Just recently had lumpectomy awaiting word from docs on their plan. Thanks
yes or no to chemo???
I was diagnosed on Sept. 12th with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma-had a Lumpectomy and 14 nodes removed on Sept. 21(my father passed away the evening of Sept. 20)-both the surrounding tissue and nodes are clear-tumor size 1 cm-Path report indicates that lymphatic invasion is present. On my first visit to the oncologist, her…
Here I go again
I am a 6 year bc survivor. Last week I had an MRI which showed a possible DCIS in the opposite breast. My surgeon suggested a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I said I'd be willing if my biopsy is positive, but he strongly suggested that I do it without the biopsy. I called my (very trusted) internist and he agrees.…
Anybody heard of this? Good, bad, take, don't take?
starting chemo
Hello I'm normally on the colon site I have stage IV colon cancer however my Mom was dx with stage II breast cancer and I'm trying to get her situated with her upcoming chemo. I live in Mi and she is in New Jersey. She drives but my dad doesn't. I called the ACS and they have volunteers that could transport her back and…
New survivor
Hello...I have been recently diagnosed with DCIS, had my surgery, now facing the decision of radiation and Tamoxifen and feel so overwhelmed with all the information and decision process. When will I stop feeling so scared and vulnerable?? I often awake with that split second and think..."boy that was a bad dream"...only…
After having a diagnostic mamo and and ultrasound, I am scheduled for a stereotactic breast biopsy. What can I expect? Thanks, Arlene
It's Tuesday! Chat in Room 2 with me, please?????
Well, I hope that we can find some time to meet this evening...6PM PST~ chat room 2. I was hoping to start a Saturday morning chat; I am an early riser ( need my coffee-fix!) and while it's relaxing and quiet in the house, that would be a great time for me to connect with my BC sisters. Anyway, for now, tonight's the…
Lung Function After RT
Hi All Did anyone have reduced lung function after RT? I had 35 treatments (6 fields at each visit) and I don't seem to be able to get my lung capacity back. I called my Dr's office and the Physician's Assistant told me it's probably "just" from the RT (finished in July). They are going to add some more tests to my labs…
I have DCIS. They SAY just a lumpectomy and radiation and I'll be fine, although there is always the possibility of recurrence. Is this "bad" enough to join a support group? I don't want to be disrespectful of someone with invasive disease.
Stage 2 Her 2 Postive
Hello My name is Debbie and I have presently I am on Chemo. I wanted do know if there are any surviors with Her2 postive. I heard it is the worse to have. Is this true? I really scared. I feel I have no hope.
recovery time
You ladies are wonderful and have helped me so much. I'm having a double mastectomy on the 5th of November. I realize everyone is not the same, but can anyone tell me about how long that I will be off work with just the mastectomy, if everything goes well? I have a stand up job. I cook breakfast to order and operate the…
I just have to ask this question from those who I know will answer it with no hesitation. What is a tatooed nipple? Exactly how is this done, and who does it? My niece asked me if I knew about it, as her friend was going to have it done, but she hesitated to ask her personal questions. I think it is awesome that this…