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Bone Cancers
Archives for February 2013
Discussion List
New Post
I started a new post because I have noticed that the new posts are answering old ones. I am a BC survivor of more than 15 years and have experienced many lumps through my survival years. After a mastectomy had other lumps in healthy breast and after1 biopsy had it too removed one year to day of the first one. My lumps am…
Bone Cancer ?
Hi, I'm new to this site. Happened to come acrossed it as I was looking for anwers. I had or still have breast cancer. Dx 3 years ago. In the last 3 1/2 months I have lost over 35 pounds,now started getting nausea, very tried and my legs hurt sooo bad. It started about 2 monthe ago in my left foot and ankle. Hurt when I…
ask for second opinion regarding my niece's Osteosarcoma
Hi everyone, My niece is 11years old,suffering from the Osteosarcoma with Lung Metastasis now. All the members in our family feel very helpless since the current treatment on my niece seems to be not salutary. She is in Beijing ,China .And it is not convenient for her to come to USA. I sent to this message to inquire…
Primary Rib Tumor - To cut or Not To Cut
Hi all members and visitor,I have two rib tumors in the posterior part of the left 8th & 9 th rib). Eventhough my needle biosy is benign, my doctor still advise me to cut my rib. He explains that the tumor affects more than one place and it is painful so He think it is maglignant. But I am so scared of post operation pain…