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Bone Cancers
Archives for December 2009
Discussion List
osteosarcoma in the hip
Hello my son is 15 and was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma, it is in his hip. I am looking for someone who has had a similar diagnosis and hoping for something good because everything I have read about this disease says there is usually not a good outcome when the tumor is in the hip. Me and my son are really scared and…
cancer all over
Hi I am Zeeka17, about seven months ago I was diagnosed with breast and mestastisised cancer throughout my body.skull, spine hips and pelvis and small met in my lung. I was terrified, I was a health freak. vegetarian didn't drink smoke, or even agree to an aspro.I didn't know where to turn, I thought I was going to die…
Hello, My aunt was recently hostpitalized because of extremely low blood count, and for a while a number of doctors were unable to find out what was wrong. After four weeks of testa and what not, she was diagnosed with myelofibrosis. Her doctor wanted to start her on thalidomide. We went to see four other doctors because…
Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma Misdiagnosed
Hi everyone, i just discovered on Wednesday that I have telangiectatic osteosarcoma and am still in a bit of shock. I'm 23 years old, have a 2 year old daughter, and am about to start graduate school. I was misdiagnosed for a year. I have suffered from "benign" bone tumors for about a year now. I began having pain in my…
cat scan guided biopsy
Friday I had the cat scan guided biopsy to test bone from the sacrum and the metastisis on the L3, L4 & L5 vertabraes. Does anyone know why they didn't test directly into the area of the affected vertabraes? I was very surprised when I came to and noticed the bandage was to the left of the vertabraes about 3" into the…
New MEmber: Young Adult Periosteal Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma
Hello - I'm a new member. I received biospy results yesterday: Periosteal Chondroblasitc Osteosarcoma in my mandible. I've yet to have a bone scan, and all I know for certain is that more surgery & radiation is in my future. I'm only 28 and quite terrified - any advice?
from -0- to mestasticed in 5 months
Can someone give me some insight on how a Lumbar MRI that showed -0- in June of 09 came back after a second one was taken in Nov. 09 with a large size metastisis of the L4 & L5 Vertabrae & Sacrum only 5 months later? Seems impossible that something could grow that fast. Please...I am racking my brain trying for this to…