19 months post recurrence diagnosis
Still dancing with NED. Latest ct results and visit with onc keeps me in the clear. Relief. Every day is a gift. Keep fighting. Hugs to you all.
Did any of you start out wit VAIN III, CIN III, or VIN III & have yours turn into CA?
Hi to you all! While awaiting talk with my Gyn/onc I'm doing a lot of research on these DXs and was wondering if any of you had either or all or any of these DXs before ending up with a vaginal, cervical or vulva cancer? I was initially told that I have endometrial & endocervical cancers PLUS the VIN, VAIN & CIN III. What…
Intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III, of cervix, vulva and vagina & poss uterine CA
Please can anyone tell me what their experience with this is? I also have possibly adenocarinoma endocervical which im assuming is cervical cancer? I'm reading all of this from my internet health portal from the DRs office from a Pap smear & biopsy back in June. I need answers. I was all set to have a radical hysterectomy…
Vulvar Cancer return in less than 3 months
I thought that I had an infection but my Onc. Gyn. believes that the cancer returned! He did a biopsy and if it has returned, he explained that since I have already had radiation and chemo treatments, that my only other alternative is major surgery to remove the tumor but that is not a guarantee that it will cure me and…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Some of you know that we have had previous problems with a particularly tenacious scammer named sarah, and unfortunately she has struck again. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If…